高光譜技術無損鑒定壁畫顏料之研究——以西藏拉薩大昭寺壁畫為例=Non-Destructive and In-Situ Identification of Pigments in Wall Paintings Using Hyperspectral Technology=王樂樂; 李志敏; 馬清林; 梅建軍
Two simulated wall paintings were analyzed with hyperspectral technology and their spectral information collected. Comparing their reflectance spectral curves, characteristic reflectance peaks, first derivative peaks and spectral similarity shared with wall paintings of standard pigments, we have effectively and accurately differentiated azurite, malachite, orpiment, realgar, gamboge, red lead, and cinnabar, though kermes could not be identified. In addition, the identification of pigments such as azurite, malachite, red lead, and cinnabar in the wall paintings at Jokhang Monastery in Lhasa, Tibet, can be verified by portable XRF analysis. This research indicates that hyperspectral technology combined with portable XRF is an effective method for non-destructive and large-scale in-situ investigation of mural pigments.