Lveli Qijielifo Chanhui Dengwen engraved in the Dazhusheng Cave has much in common with the Qijie Li of the Three-Stage School, the influence of the former on the latter judged by the evolution and impact of the Dazhusheng Cave on the Three-Stage School. These engraved texts can not only show how the Qijie Li took shape, but also provide clues for studying the Guang Qijie Foming and Lve Qijie Foming written by Xin Xing. An "outline of worshipping Buddhas in six periods of day and night" of the Three-Stage School is likely the creed of Xin Xing’s two works mentioned above. Based on this outline and the Qijie Li found among Dunhuang documents, we can briefly speculate on the contents and structure of various versions of the Qijie Li among Dunhuang documents, and on the original texts of the above-mentioned works by Xin Xing. Based on this research, the relationship between Qijie Li and the texts engraved together with it, such as Shifang Li and Yinchao Li, can be explored in detail as well.