I. To privilege or not to privilege the Two Truths 103 II. Language: Saṃvṛti, vyavahāra, prajñapti, sāṃketa, etc. 113 III. Vyavahāra and saṃvṛti / sammuti 114 IV. Conventions and Abhidharma 116 V. Paramārtha Gāthā 123 Selection from the “Verses on Ultimate Meaning” (Paramārthaṃ gāthā 勝義伽他) From the Cintāmayī-bhūmi of the Yogācārabhūm 124 VI. Paramārtha and saṃvṛti in the Buddhabhūmyupadeśa 129 VII. Concluding Remark 131 Appendix: 132 Select Bibliography 135 Notes 137