
「詩禪交涉」在唐代至北宋詩學的開展=The Influence of Zen on the Poetics in the Tang and Northern Song Dynasty
作者 吳靜宜 (著)=Wu, Chin-yi (au.)
出版者網址 http://web.ncku.edu.tw/bin/home.php
出版地臺南市, 臺灣 [Tainan shih, Taiwan]
資料類型博碩士論文=Thesis and Dissertation
關鍵詞詩禪交涉=The Influence of Zen on the Aesthetics of the Poetry; 詩格=Poetic Rules (Shi ge); 意境=Vision (I jing); 以禪喻詩=Analyzing Poetics Metaphorically with Zen; 文字禪=Written Zen; 詩學=Poetics

The study is about Zen poetry and interaction between poetry and Zen Buddhism. The time limited to the Tang Dynasty to the Northern Song Dynasty, sought to clarify the poetic theory metaphor of meditation, Zen praxis, assimilation of Zen concepts in poetry and understand how to become part of the theory of poetics.
In the China the Chinese Zen Buddhism is established in the Tang Dynasty. The Zen of this article is the classic application and Zen way of thinking.The assimilation of Zen concepts in poetry, not by the Buddhist name, the Buddhistic Truth words be able to understand the significance of their mutual influence.We need to refer to the changes in the context of the history of China's development, and the Buddhist scriptures Rationalist thinking of Buddhism and Zen.
The poem and Zen representations, not alone, by the Buddhist name the Buddhistic Truth words can understand the connotation of its representations must reference the connotation with the changes in the thinking of Buddhism and Zen in the context of the development of the Chinese history and Buddhist scriptures moral principles.
This study is divided into three stages, The Influence of Zen on the Aesthetics of the originator of the Poetry, The Influence of Zen on the Aesthetics of the Poetry in the development of the Tang Dynasty Poetics, The Influence, of Zen on the Aesthetics of the Poetry in the evolution of the Northern Song Dynasty Poetics. The study is divided into five chapters, the first chapter is the introduction. The second chapter is from the generation of geyi Poetics, image the deepening of theory, re-review of the relationship between mind and matter in creation theory, Poetic Rhythm and Buddhist scriptures turn read in four aspects. I found the Wei, Jin and Six Dynasties , as the Buddha, such as cents, depending on Buddhism, such as Taoism, Buddhism and Taoism closely integrated, making literary criticism and theory of poetics, resulting in a high degree of development. By Buddhist Noted Tan, transfer to and Sanskrit chanting and monks finishing phonological, acoustic disease with four tones eight disease theories such as sound legal theory thus forming Prajna ten Yu and France and China seven metaphor such as Zen terminology become poetic language is even more direct line Buddhist Poetry real. Furthermore, when Meditation creation of combined meditation concept throughout the sixth consciousness within six outside combination of habitat, significant emotional image
目次第一章 緒論 1
第一節 選題說明 3
一、研究動機 3
二、研究範疇 5
第二節 文獻探討 10
一、文獻回顧 10
二、研究述評 13
第三節 研究問題與進路 25
一、研究問題 25
二、研究進路 26
第二章 「詩禪交涉」的發端 29
第一節 「格義」詩學的產生 31
一、空有論與格義 32
二、三昧法與詩學 35
三、形神論與詩學 38
四、心物說與詩學 47
第二節「意象」論的深化 51
一、意象論的產生 51
二、言意之辨與詩學 57
三、禪佛象喻對詩作的影響 60
第三節 心物關係在創作上的再檢討 69
一、玄對山水的發展 71
二、玄冥之境與澄懷味象 74
三、即色與頓悟 80
第四節 佛經轉讀對詩歌聲律的影響 96
一、佛經轉讀與梵唄的影響 98
二、四聲八病的形成 105
三、音韻系統的完備 112
四、對偶論對格律化的影響 114
第三章 「詩禪交涉」在唐代詩學的發展 122
第一節 佛教音律思維與格律詩的興起 122
一、聲律論的演進 123
二、詩歌「律」化體製的意義 129
三、詩法的形成與詩格的體類 137
第二節 「意境論」的產生 145
一、「境」的形成及其對詩歌的作用 146
二、從「物境」到「意境」 156
三、從「意境」到「思與境偕」 168
四、從「有人」之境到「無人」之境的轉變 172
第三節 「創作論」的擴充 174
一、佛教思惟對詩歌「創作論」的影響 175
二、詩道即禪道 176
三、詩工創心 180
第四節「風格論」的轉變 183
一、佛教思維對詩歌「風格論」的影響 186
二、詩分南北宗 190
三、明勢與辯體 192
四、詩家之中道 197
第四章 「詩禪交涉」在北宋詩學的演進 202
第一節 平淡的詩歌美學 203
一、平淡至味的禪境與詩境 203
二、淡而非淡與中邊皆甜 208
三、六根互用與平淡詩學 213
第二節 學詩渾似學參禪 216
一、悟筆如悟禪 217
二、待境而生,意新語工 221
三、禪門三關與詩學三關 225
四、遊戲三昧與妙觀逸想 229
第三節 文字禪與詩學 233
一、詩格與句法典範的形成 234
二、句中有眼與詩眼 237
三、點鐵成金、奪胎換骨 240
四、文字如春,詩有奇趣 243
第四節 其他「詩禪交涉」的現象 246
一、轉物的詩學變化 246
二、含蓄詩美與繞路說禪 251
三、詩禪交涉對南宋之後的餘響 255
第五章 結論 259
參考文獻 264
一、古籍 264
二、專書(以下均依姓名筆畫順序排列) 272
三、期刊(以下均依姓名筆畫順序排列) 282
四、論文(以下均依姓名筆畫順序排列) 290
五、論文集 295
六、翻譯作品 296
七、外文書籍 299

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