Thomé H. Fang ingeniously conflated his religious belief and philosophical attainment. He combined his knowledge with his spiritual practice throughout his life, highlighted by his spiritual accomplishment originating from his lofty morals. He attempted to interpret the fundamentals of Buddhism scriptures thoughts his ceaseless study. He perceived Buddhism not only a religion but also a philosophy and interpreted T'ien-T'ai School thoughts exactly based on his perception. In his viewpoints, T'ien-T'ai School philosophy is not only a psychological philosophy, a practical philosophy, and a functional philosophy, but a physiological philosophy. This study discussed Thomé H. Fang’s interpretations of T'ien-T'ai School thoughts as well as many Zen Masters’ thoughts, such as Hui-wen, Hui-ssu, Chi-i, Chan-an Kuan-ting, and Jing-qi Zhan-ran. Thomé H. Fang not only integrated Confucianism, Taoism, and Buddhism thoughts, but included western philosophy into his thoughts. Nonetheless, many topics related to his interpretations of Chinese Mahayana Buddhism remain to be researched. Focusing on Thomé H. Fang’s interpretations of T'ien-T'ai School thoughts in this paper, the author is eager to see that the subsequent researchers discuss the philosophization of Buddhism with emphasis on the topics worthy of discussions in the days to come.