
Skill in Questions: How the Buddha Taught
作者 Ṭhānissaro, Bhikkhu (著)=DeGraff, Geofrey (au.)
版本項copyright 2010 Ṭhānissaro Bhikkhu
出版者Metta Forest Monastery
出版者網址 http://www.watmetta.org/
出版地Valley Center, CA, US
內容註“That’s the purpose of discussion, that’s the purpose of counsel, that’s the purpose of drawing near, that’s the purpose of lending ear: i.e., the liberation of the mind through no clinging.”— AN 3:68
“Just as if a man with good eyesight standing on the shore of a body of water were to see a large fish rise. The thought would occur to him, ‘From the rise of this fish, from the break of its ripples, from its speed, it is a large fish, not a small one.’ In the same way, one individual, in discussion with another, knows this: ‘From the way this person rises to an issue, from the way he applies [his reasoning], from the way he addresses a question, he is discerning, not dull.’” — AN 4:192
摘要The content of this treatise has not changed, but all three eBook versions have been recreated from scratch to look and function better as well as provide Pali diacriticals and hyper-linking. If you already have the previous substandard eBook versions in your library, you will want to replace them with these.
This is a treatise about discernment in action, centered on the Buddha’s strategic use of discernment in framing and responding to questions.
目次Table of Contents
Titlepage 2
Copyright 3
Abbreviations 4
Foreword 5
Skill in Questions 8
Chapter 1: The Kamma of Teaching 19
Readings 42
Skill in Questions 42
Skill in Answers 43
The Buddha’s Rhetoric 52
Chapter 2: The Bodhisatta’s Quest 55
Readings 61
Chapter 3: Categorical Answers 79
Readings 106
Categorical Teachings 106
Appropriate Attention 109
Skillful & Unskillful Actions 112
The Four Noble Truths 122
Dependent Co-arising 134
Recommended Questions 137
Views & Awakening 138
Papañca 142
Chapter 4: Analytical Answers 148
Readings 156
On Judging People 156
Judging Ways of Life 165
Judging Practices 173
Kamma & Feeling 175
On the Buddha as Teacher 182
Chapter 5: Cross-questioning: I 194
Readings 219
Establishing Orthodoxy 219
Cross-Questioning in the Process of Learning 223
Invitations to cross-questioning 225
The Buddha anticipates cross-questioning of his teaching by
faultfinders 231
Ven. Sāriputta anticipates cross-questioning of the teaching by sincere, intelligent people 232
Awakening through cross-questioning the speaker 233
The Buddha’s final invitation to cross-question him 238
The Buddha Questions Other Sectarians 239
Clarifying the Question 250
Extracting Definitions 252
Hypotheticals: on the Buddha as Teacher 255
Hypotheticals: Kings, Princes, & Generals 266
Hypotheticals: Brahmans 283
Hypotheticals: Kamma 288
Hypotheticals: Understanding Pleasure & Pain 297
People Worth Talking to (& Not) 306
Debates 317
Chapter 6: Cross-questioning: II 334
Readings 349
Chapter 7: Questions Put Aside: I 377
Readings 384
Livelihood 384
Other Teachers 388
Chapter 8: Questions Put Aside: II 397
Readings 434
Agnosticism 434
Inconceivables: Kamma & the World 436
The Buddha’s Silence 445
Questions of Inappropriate Attention 448
Dependent Co-arising: Extremes Avoided 451
Dependent Co-arising: Invalid Questions 458
The Ten Undeclared Issues 463
View-standpoints from DN 1 478
The Tetralemma 482
The Tetralemma Declared Meaningless 489
Different Responses to Similar Questions 506
Chapter 9: A Path of Questions 515
Appendix 1: Buddhaghosa on the four categories of questions 527
Appendix 2: Mnemonic Questions 529
Appendix 3: Eternalism & Annihilationism 538
Appendix 4: On the meaning of ‘tathāgata’ in the tetralemma 544
Glossary 555

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