
ヴェーダ散文文献に見られるMārtāṇḍa「死んだ卵の末裔」の物語 =The Myth of Mārtāṇḍa ‘Descendant of a Dead Eggʼ in the Vedic prose
作者 後藤敏文 (著)=Goto, Toshifumi (au.)
出處題名 国際仏教学大学院大学研究紀要=Journal of the International College for Advanced Buddhist Studies=コクサイ ブッキョウガク ダイガクイン ダイガク ケンキュウ キヨウ
卷期n.20 今西順吉教授退職記念号
頁次(222) - (196)
出版者網址 http://www.icabs.ac.jp/
出版地東京, 日本 [Tokyo, Japan]
資料類型期刊論文=Journal Article
摘要K. HOFFMANN collected, translated and analyzed the Mārtāṅḋa myth attested in various places in the Vedic prose (i. e., the “brāhmaṅa”s in the Black Yajurveda Saṁ hitās and the Brāhmaṅas). Based on his investigation of fragmentary references in Young Avestan and Pahlavi, he traces a myth about the origin of human beings from a miscarriage back to the the common Indo-Iranian period. In the Rigveda, the word mārtānḋá- has been traditionally interpreted as ʻbirdʼ, sometimes identified with the sun. HOFFMANN shows, however, that the term in the Rigveda also means “a descendant of a dead egg” (see K. HOFFMANN, Münchener Studien zur Sprachwissenschaft 11, 1957, 85-103=Aufsätze zur Indoiranistik II, 1976, 422-438; English version in German Scholars on India II, 1976, 100-117=Aufs. III, 1992, 715-735).
My paper revisits the materials of the myth handed down in various versions in the Vedic prose. For this, I also look into the Taittirīya-Brāhmana I 1, 9-3 and the Vādhūla-Śrautasūtra-Anvākhyāna I 4, alongside
the texts examined by HOFFMANN: (1) Maitrāyanī Saṁ hitā [MS] I 6, 12: 104, 9-105,7; (2) Katha-Saṁ hitā [KS] XI 6: 151,3-151,19; (3) Taittirīya-Saṁ hitā [TS] VI 5,6,1-2; (4) Śatapatha-Brāhmana [ŚB] III 1,3,1-6; plus Śatapatha-Brāhmaṅa (Kāṅva) [ŚBK] IV 1,3,1-4.
The relations among the different versions of the myth are discussed in Chapter 5. The MS gives the most complete version of the story: The Ādityas ʻsons of Aditiʼ were born in pairs, Dhātar-Aryaman, Mitra-Varuṅa, and Aṁ śa-Bhaga, from the leftovers which Aditi ate each time out of the gruel offered to the priests. She also conceives mighty twins (an embryo having the capacities of two persons) from the forth gruel she ate before offering to the priests. The Ādityas are afraid of the embryoʼs powers as well as potential hegemony in future, and cause a miscarriage. Then Indra goes upward following the living breath of the miscarried fetus, and Mārtāṅḋa, ʻthe descendant of a dead eggʼ, falls down and becomes Vivasvant
Āditya. From him, Manu and Yama were born.
The TB version takes over the MS version almost completely, and introduces it with a sentence about the Sādhya gods found in the TS. The KS tells the story of the Aditiʼs first eating (i. e., the birth of the Ādityas), of the second eating (the conception of a mighty embryo of which the Ādityas are afraid and whose miscarriage they cause), of the third gruel offered to the Ādityas (saving the fallen fetus and shaping it into a human body). The living part of the fetus becomes Vivasvant Āditya, and the dead part an elephant. The TS follows this outline, but refers, just as in the MS, only to Vivasvant Āditya as the progenitor of the human beings, without mentioning the elephant.
The ŚB-ŚBK version is set into the context of the creation hymn Rigveda X 72, and tells of the birth of seven Ādityas and Mārtānda from Aditi. The story of the origin of Vivasvant Āditya and the elephant is similar to the KS version.
The Vādhūla version cites the TS passage and adds a sequel to the story merely of the elephantʼs origin, apparently on the basis of the legend told in the ŚB-ŚBK.
The paper contains notes on grammar and terms. I also add the original text and translation of Rigveda X 72, creation hymn on Aditi, as an appendix (for a detailed study of the hymn, cf. Fs. Hōjō 2004).
目次1. マイトラーヤニーヤ派 221
Maitrāyaṅī Saṁhitā I 6,12: 104, 9-105, 7 221
2. カタ派 216
Kaṫha-Saṁ hitā XI 6: 151, 3-151, 19 216
3. タイッティリーヤ派 213
3.1. Taittirīya-Saṁ hitā VI 5,6,1-2 213
3.2. Taittirīya-Brāhmana I 1,9,1-3 212
3.3. Vādhūla(Śrautasūtra)-Anvākhyāna I 4 ( I 3,1) 210
4. シャタパタ・ブラーフマナ(ヴァージャサネーイン派) 208
4.1. Śatapatha-Brāhmaṅa ( Mādhyandina) III 1,3,1-6 208
4.2. Śatapatha-Brāhmaṅa ( Kāṅva) IV 1,3,1-4 206
5. 諸伝承間の関係 204
6. (参考)リグヴェーダX 72「アディティと神々の誕生」 202
ISSN13434128 (P)

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