試論現代神學能給予人間佛教的參考及反思 ─ 一種宗教對話與思想借用之嘗試=A Discussion on the Inspirations and Reflections which Contemporary Theology can Offer Humanistic Buddhism – An Attempt of Religious Dialogue
筆者本文將以西蒙娜.薇依(Simone Weil, 1909-1943)、卡爾.拉納(Karl Rahner, 1904-1984)、卡爾.巴特(Karl Barth, 1886-1968)、阿爾文.普蘭丁格(Alvin Plantinga, 1932- )……等等這幾位現代「基督宗教」神學家的一些觀點,嘗試進行一種宗教哲學上「思想借用」的論述與說明,以作為現代社會中「基督宗教」與「人間佛教」之對話的可能契機與進路。 The focus of this paper is a discussion based on the borrowed ideas of Western Christian Theology's "modernity" to offer some inspirations and reflections to Humanistic Buddhism. That is not to say that Humanistic Buddhism needs to learn from Christianity or that it lacks some elements. The focus here is only to explore the possible spaces for religious dialogue between the Christian perspective and Humanistic Buddhism.
Having experienced the Renaissance, religious reform, scientific as well as industrial revolution, and post-modern cultures across more than two thousand years, what can Christianity offer to Buddhism? The ideas of various Christian Theologists such as Simone Weil (1909~1943), Karl Rahner (1904~1984), Karl Barth(1886~1968), and Alvin Plantinga (1932~ ) are "borrowed" as an attempt for carry out a dialogue between Christianity and Humanistic Buddhism in contemporary society.