1. Special Section 2. Author Affiliations: Lecturer at the Institute of Southeast Asian Affairs at Chiangmai University, Thailand
International travel is a significant component in the making of transnational Buddhism. This article argues that through even limited international travel and exchange with Buddhist teachers, networks of exchange can be created. Focusing on international meditation centres in Thailand, I delineate three mediums through which meditation teachers, in conjunction with their students, build institutional transnational links. Using case studies from various lineages and teachers within Thailand’s international meditation centres, this article reveals the stories and relationships that spread Thai Buddhist meditation abroad. In this context I also explore the effects of lineage and missionization within this process of travel and exchange.
ABSTRACT 427 Case studies 428 International lay meditation teachers 429 Teaching tours 430 Media and technology 431 Conjunctures of lineage and missionization 433 Propagating the sāsana 433 International meditation lineages 435 Conclusion 436 Acknowledgments 437 Disclosure statement 437 Notes on contributor 437