Author Affiliations: Department of Philosophy, University of Alabama, Huntsville
I. Introductory Remarks 1155 II. History of the Metaphor before Fazang 1156 Avataṁsaka Sutra 1156 Zhiyan’s Ten Mysterious Gates 1157 Ŭisang’s Autocommentary on the Diagram of the Dharmadhātu 1158 III. Fazang’s Counting-Ten-Coins Metaphor 1159 Treatise on the Five Teachings 1159 Power and Inclusion 1159 Fazang’s Innovation 1161 IV. Textual Confirmations 1165 V. Interpretive Comparisons 1166 Cook’s Interpretation 1166 Deguchi and Sano’s Interpretation 1168 VI. Concluding Remarks 1170