
Book Review: Book Reviews
作者 Barrett, T. H. ; Keown, Damien ; Werner, Karel ; Norman, K. R. ; Mills, Laurence C. R. ; Crook, John
出處題名 Buddhist Studies Review
卷期v.13 n.2
頁次177 - 212
出版者Equinox Publishing Ltd.
出版者網址 https://www.equinoxpub.com/home/
出版地Sheffield, UK [謝菲爾德, 英國]
資料類型期刊論文=Journal Article; 書評=Book Review
附註項Nāgārjuna in China. A Translation of the Middle Treatise. Brian Bocking. The Edwin Mellor Press, Lewiston/Queenston/Lampeter 1994. iv, 499 pp. £59.95, US$119.95.
The Great Calming and Contemplation: A Study and Annotated Translation of the First Chapter of Chih-i's Mo-ho Chih-kuan. Neal Donner and Daniel B. Stevenson. The University of Hawaii Press, Honolulu 1993. xx, 385 pp. US$45.
A Survey of Vinaya Literature. Charles S. Prebish. The Dharma Lamp Series 1, Jin Luen Publishing House, Taipei 1994. 157 pp. No price given.
The Origin and Development of Early Indian Contemplative Practices. Edward Fitzpatrick Crangle. (Studies in Oriental Religions 29) Harrassowitz Verlag, Wiesbaden 1994. xiii, 314 pp. DM 148.
Jinakalamali Index: an annotated index to the Thailand part of Ratanapañña's chronicle Jinakālamālī. Hans Penth. Pali Text Society, Oxford, and Silkworm Books, Chiang Mai 1994. xx, 358 pp. £13.00.
King Aśoka and Buddhism. Historical and Literary Studies. Edited by Anuradha Seneviratna. Buddhist Publication Society, Kandy 1994. xi, 161 pp., with two maps. SL Rs 300, US$12.00.
Buddhist And Vedic Studies. A Miscellany. O.H. De A. Wijesekera. Motilal Banarsidass, Delhi 1994. xv, 361 pp. Rs 275.
Master Yunmen: From the Record of the Chan Teacher 'Gate of the Clouds'. Translated, edited and introduced by Urs App. Kodansha International, New York, Tokyo, London 1994. xix, 252 pp. $13.00, £10.99.
Alms and Vagabonds: Buddhist Temples and Popular Patronage in Medieval Japan. Janet R. Goodwin. University of Hawaii Press, Honolulu 1994. vii, 181 pp. US$27.
The World in the Buddhist Sense. Nina van Gorkom. Triple Gem Press, London 1993. 121 pp. £7.95.
Zen in America. Helen Tworkov. Kodansha America Inc., New York 1994. 271 pp. £13.99.
Bioethics and Buddhism. Damien Keown. Macmillan Press, London 1995, and St. Martin Press, New York 1995. xvi, 208 pp. £40.
目次Nāgārjuna in China. A Translation of the Middle Treatise. Brian Bocking. The Edwin Mellor Press, Lewiston/Queenston/Lampeter 1994. iv, 499 pp. £59.95, US$119.95. 177
The Great Calming and Contemplation: A Study and Annotated Translation of the First Chapter of Chih-i's Mo-ho Chih-kuan. Neal Donner and Daniel B. Stevenson. The University of Hawaii Press, Honolulu 1993. xx, 385 pp. US$45. 179
A Survey of Vinaya Literature. Charles S. Prebish. The Dharma Lamp Series 1, Jin Luen Publishing House, Taipei 1994. 157 pp. No price given. 181
The Origin and Development of Early Indian Contemplative Practices. Edward Fitzpatrick Crangle. (Studies in Oriental Religions 29) Harrassowitz Verlag, Wiesbaden 1994. xiii, 314 pp. DM 148. 184
Jinakalamali Index: an annotated index to the Thailand part of Ratanapañña's chronicle Jinakālamālī. Hans Penth. Pali Text Society, Oxford, and Silkworm Books, Chiang Mai 1994. xx, 358 pp. £13.00. 187
King Aśoka and Buddhism. Historical and Literary Studies. Edited by Anuradha Seneviratna. Buddhist Publication Society, Kandy 1994. xi, 161 pp., with two maps. SL Rs 300, US$12.00. 189
Buddhist And Vedic Studies. A Miscellany. O.H. De A. Wijesekera. Motilal Banarsidass, Delhi 1994. xv, 361 pp. Rs 275. 194
Master Yunmen: From the Record of the Chan Teacher 'Gate of the Clouds'. Translated, edited and introduced by Urs App. Kodansha International, New York, Tokyo, London 1994. xix, 252 pp. $13.00, £10.99. 196
Alms and Vagabonds: Buddhist Temples and Popular Patronage in Medieval Japan. Janet R. Goodwin. University of Hawaii Press, Honolulu 1994. vii, 181 pp. US$27. 198
The World in the Buddhist Sense. Nina van Gorkom. Triple Gem Press, London 1993. 121 pp. £7.95. 201
Zen in America. Helen Tworkov. Kodansha America Inc., New York 1994. 271 pp. £13.99. 204
Bioethics and Buddhism. Damien Keown. Macmillan Press, London 1995, and St. Martin Press, New York 1995. xvi, 208 pp. £40. 211
ISSN02652897 (P); 17479681 (E)

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