
早期佛教經典的模板現象 — 以含佛陀證悟宣言定型文句經群為例=Textual Templates in Early Buddhist Texts: A Study of Suttas Associated with the Buddha’s Enlightenment Announcement
作者 釋見勛 =Shi, Jianxun
出處題名 臺大佛學研究=Taiwan Journal of Buddhist Studies
頁次1 - 66
出版者國立臺灣大學佛學研究中心=The Center for Buddhist Studies, National Taiwan University
出版者網址 http://homepage.ntu.edu.tw/~ntucbs/
出版地臺北市, 臺灣 [Taipei shih, Taiwan]
資料類型期刊論文=Journal Article
附註項本文初稿曾於國立政治大學華人文化主體性研究中心主辦之 2018 年台灣印度學工作坊發表,感謝越建東教授及與會大眾寶貴回饋。修訂稿蒙二位審查委員提供改善建議,讓筆者獲益良多,一併致上誠摯謝意。
作者係香港大學佛學研究中心博士,Junior Fellow of Hong Kong Academy of the Humanities。
關鍵詞口傳文獻=oral transmission; 巴利尼科耶=Nikāyas; 阿含經=Āgamas; 定型文句=fixed expressions; 佛陀證悟=the Buddha’s enlightenment
摘要  早期佛教經典如何具有高度一致性,又包含許多變異?本文嘗試以模板與變項來解釋,鎖定巴利尼科耶中佛陀證悟宣言定型文句,先做定型文句分析比較,再由其相關經群探討經文模本現象;同時,也與漢譯阿含對應經比較。漢巴兩系經群,都有運用佛陀證悟宣言定型文句及相關經文模板;相形之下,巴利系經群較有朝向系統化編輯的趨勢,但也有少數未統一的經例。經文模板和定型文句很可能是早期佛經集成和口傳的工具,有固定模式方便經文編纂,也有助於記憶和口傳合誦;而隨主題而更動的變項則能兼顧解說、教學所需的彈性。

Why early Buddhist texts present highly consistency, but at the same time, they contain many variations? To answer this question, this paper provides a theory of textual templates and variables. The textual templates maintain the uniformity required for communal recitations; they function as a memory aid, an editorial tool, and a mechanism for oral transmission of early Buddhist texts. On the other hand, the variables contribute to the variety of early Buddhist texts. The change of variables is the main difference observed between one text and another.
This study focuses on those suttas in the Pāli Nikāyas which include the fixed expressions for the Buddha’s enlightenment announcement as a case study. Then, a comparative study between the Pāli suttas and their parallel texts in the Chinese Āgamas is also done. Both the Pāli texts and the Chinese texts apply the fi xed expressions and the textual templates associated with the Buddha’s announcement of his enlightenment. Comparatively, the compliers of the Pāli Nikāyas use them more systematically than those of the Chinese Āgamas do. Junior Fellow of Hong Kong Academy of the Humanities. In these texts, one significant theme is the three turning of the four noble truths emphasised in various parallels of the Turning of the Dhamma Wheel Sutta. Besides, most of these suttas are affi liated with the teaching on the triad of gratifi cation, danger and escape, and the teaching that combines the triad with the four noble truths.
The application of textual templates and variables is an effi cient and critical method to study early Buddhist texts. It can tell that some are in the same templates but different from their variables, and some are with the same variable, though in different templates. In this way, full or partial parallel texts can be easily detected from hundreds of texts in different Buddhist traditions and languages, which is crucial for comparative studies of early Buddhist texts.
目次壹、前言 3
一、早期佛教口傳文獻 3
二、定型文句之界定 4
三、經文模板 5
四、本文目的 6

貳、佛陀證悟宣言定型文句比較 7
一、分析巴利系佛陀證悟宣言定型文句 7
二、探討解脫智見定型句 15
三、漢巴兩系佛陀證悟宣言定型文句比較 19
四、與《轉法輪經》的關係 20

參、經文模板分析比較 29
一、分析巴利系含佛陀證悟宣言經群 29
二、漢巴兩系經文模板比較 38
三、佛陀證悟宣言經群和味患離教學 40
四、《增支部》中的長經文 41

肆、應用經文模板於判斷對應經 42
一、SN 22:56 和 SĀ 41 44
二、SN 48:6-7 和 SĀ 650-1 50
三、《相應部》味患離教學三個模版 53

伍、結論 57

引用書目 60
ISSN10271112 (P)

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