電腦文獻學=computational philology; 藏經文本歸屬=attributions of canonical texts; 支謙=Zhi Qian; 竺法護=Dharmarakṣa; 《維摩詰經》=Vimalakīrti-nirdeśa
雖然現存於藏經中的《維摩詰經》(Vimalakīrti-nirdeśa,T474)歸屬於支謙(fl. 223-252),然前現代傳統與現代學界對於此經究竟應歸屬於支謙還是竺法護(Dharmarakṣa, fl. ca. 280-308)一直有所爭議。作者藉由電腦輔助方法發現了有關此問題相當豐富的內在證據,此篇論文以此為基礎,主張我們現存的文本是對於支謙原來底本的修訂,而修訂者為竺法護或是與竺法護圈子密切關聯之人。
In both the pre-modern tradition and modern scholarship, there has been controversy over whether the Vimalakīrti-nirdeśa (VKN) attributed in the present canon to Zhi Qian 支謙 (fl. 223-252), the Weimojie jing 維摩詰經 T474, is in fact by Zhi Qian or by Dharmarakṣa 竺法護 (fl. ca. 280-308). Using copious internal evidence discovered by computer-assisted methods developed by the author, this paper argues that our extant text is a revision of a Zhi Qian original text by Dharmarakṣa or someone very closely associated with Dharmarakṣa's circle.