出家者の修行場所 — 『根本説一切有部毘奈耶臥坐具事』Śayanāsanavastu の和訳(2) —=The Place of Practice of Buddhist Monks —A Japanese Translation of the Śayanāsanavastu of the Mūlasarvāstivādavinaya (2)—
This is a translation of the latter half of the Śayanāsanavastu, i.e., ‘Section on Bedding and Seats’ (a collection of rules related to the place of practice of Buddhist monks), of Mūlasarvāstivādavinaya, of which the first half I translated in the Journal of Indian and Tibetan Studies, vol.15. This portion describes the donation of vihāras by lay believers such as Anāthapiṇḍada and tells how the Buddhist Saṃgha should receive the donation of vihara and manage it. It explains the reason why Anāthapiṇḍada donated the Jetavana vihāra in his present life. It is told that just as he donated a land to the six former Buddhas in the past, he will donate it to Maitreya Buddha in the future. This story is not mentioned in other Vinayas, viz. Pali Vinaya and the other four Vinayas preserved in Chinese translations (『四分律』,『十誦律』,『五分律』,『摩訶僧祇 律』). It is to be noted that Śayanāsanavastu depicts Anāthapiṇḍada as a symbolic person of the great donation to the Buddhist Saṃgha. It also prescribes that monks should share with laymen such facilities of public benefit as a well in vihara, which suggests that surrounding vihara there was a relation of mutual dependence between monks and laymen.