聖嚴法師菩薩戒思想之研究 ── 基於菩薩戒傳承思想之對照與詮釋觀點之理解=Research on the Thought of Bodhisattva Precepts in Master Sheng Yen ’s Writings: Based on Contradistinction of the Lineage of Bodhisattva Precept Thoughts and the Comprehension Relating to His Viewpoint of Interpretation
作者單位:華梵大學哲學系 / 人文教育研究中心副教授=Associate Professor, Department of Philosophy / Research Center for Humanistic Education, Huafan University
菩薩戒= Bodhisattva precepts; 菩薩戒思想傳承= lineage of Bodhisattva precept thoughts; 菩薩藏經論= Bodhisattva canon and scriptures; 願心儀軌=rituals of Bodhisattva vow; 菩薩學處=sikkhāpada of Bodhisattva; 十善= ten kinds of goodness (dasakusalāni); 方便= skillful means (kauśalya)
This article plans to expound the thought of Bodhisattva precepts related to the background of Ven. Sheng Yen that includes his learning experience, the understanding of contextual scriptures, the clarification of important topics etc. and the core problems that he cares about, the characteristics and contributions of his discourses. It attempts to re-interpret the relevant scriptures and trace back to the source through an analysis of the texts, and then to differentiate with systematic meaning of thought relevant to Tibetan Buddhist Bodhisattva precepts. By adopting a contrasted viewpoint to reason the speciality of Ven. Sheng Yen’s thought. So that the research-methodology approach of this article focuses on the exploration of the thought of Bodhisattva precepts,and hopes to develop its diversity, openness, modernity, at the same time to avoid the statement based on fallacy. By means of the exploration and interpretation mentioned which expects to manifest the truth of Bodhisattva precepts and dharma. Finally, it tried to reflect on how to follow Ven. Sheng Yen’s ideas in promoting the spirit of Bodhisattva precepts and the manifestation of modernity. Based on the “common factors” comparative interpretation principle, it hopes to illuminate the characteristics and contributions made by Ven. Sheng Yen regarding the thoughts of Bodhisattva precepts. According to the above studies, Ven. Sheng Yen’s Bodhisattva precepts thinking is summarized regarding the important contribution of the consideration of “humanistic situation” to the development of contemporary Buddhism. These include firstly, the emphasis on the importance of guiding novice Bodhisattvas, encouraging them to take and learn the precepts. Secondly, the situational and temporal adaptation of the three cumulative commandments (tri-vidhāni śīlāni), the establishment of the spirit of upholding the precepts and the advocacy of the ten common precepts. Thirdly, the coherent harmonization and application of the Bodhisattva precepts, such as the development of precept initiation ceremonies. Fourthly, the focus on the importance of lay Bodhisattvas’ learning of the Bodhisattva practice. In order to evaluate whether this heritage of the transmission of precepts has the ability to achieve the expected goals in the future, “Bodhi-citta” (the aspiration of the mind) should be emphasized as the foundation of the Bodhisattva precepts, and then to discuss the relevant issues of whether to take the precepts and then to put the learning of the precepts into practice. It is proposed to start with the above as a basis, in order to establish a “theory of practice” that is concurrent with the modern times: 1. The establishment of the principles of practice — a detailed explanation of the basis of the Bodhisattva precepts, its foundation, the fundamental practice principles, standards and indicators. 2. The interpretation and development of the nature, the rules, the practices, and the characteristics of the Bodhisattva precepts. 3. The closely interconnectedness of the Bodhisattva precepts contemporary with the times and the method of propagation.