一山而五頂:多學科、跨方域、多文化視野中的五臺信仰研究國際學術研討會=An International Conference The Mountain of Five Plateaus: Studies of The Wutai Cult in Multidisciplinary and Transborder/Cultural Approaches
山西, 中國 [Shanxi, China]
會議論文=Proceeding Article
作者單位:SOAS, The University of London 英國倫敦大學亞非學院
This paper looks at criticism of the importance of 五臺山 in the 禪宗. Most famous is 臨濟, T47: 498c. 「有一般學人,向五臺山裡求文殊,早錯了也!五臺山無文殊。」. There are also 公案 in 碧岩錄, etc. which have a similar message. These have already been studied in English. Here we try to look at earlier sources, since many 語錄only exist in late editions, for example 雪峰義存: 雪峰語錄 is only widely available in an edition of 1701. Yet it is clear that negative ideas are already present in the late eighth century, i.e. 歷代法寶記: 「佛在身心,文殊不遠。」
In the 祖堂集 we find that some stories concerning 五臺山 that later appear in 公案were already known. But we also find stories concerning 五臺山that do not occur later, for example one 問答 of趙州從詵 (778-897): “師問僧,「從什摩處來?」對云,「從五臺山來。」師云,「還見文殊也無?」對云,「文殊則不見,只見一頭水牯牛。」師云,「水牯牛還有語也無?」對云,「有。」師曰,「道什摩?」對云,「猶寒,伏惟和尚尊體起居萬福!」” Equally some stories in the 趙州錄 seem to be quite late, for example, “豐幹到五臺山下,見一老人。干云,[莫是文殊也無?]老人云,[不可有二文殊也。」”
But all the stories about 趙州從詵 offer indirect criticism of pilgrimage to五臺山; there is no expression like that of臨濟. By contrast 雲門文偃(864-949) is quite sarcastic: “近日師僧北去,言禮文殊;南去,謂遊南嶽。與麽行腳,名字比丘,徒消信施。” Perhaps these differences are differences in what might have been called 家風。They all of course make clear that looking for 文殊is not as important as 頓悟, or 見性or whatever they consider to be the aim of the 禪宗.
This may look as if they consider the Buddhism of五臺山inferior, and in fact they do, because they consider all Buddhism inferior. This does not mean that they necessarily thought of五臺山as unimportant. Consider龐蘊居士 (c. 740-808). There is a verse attributed to him that says, “知餘轉《般若》,見余轉《金剛》。和掌恭敬了,不動見空王。亦勝生命施,亦勝坐天堂,亦勝五臺供,亦勝求西方。” Now 求西方 is certainly not unimportant: eventually in the 禪宗 we find 禪淨兼修。And the fact that all these masters spent so much time affirming the superiority of their practice to practices related to 五臺山shows that they did consider the latter important enough to criticize repeatedly.