
聖嚴法師的華嚴思想=Venerable Shengyen’s Thoughts on Hua-yen Buddhism
作者 黃國清 (著)=Huang, Kuo-ching (au.)
出處題名 聖嚴研究:第五輯=Studies of Master Sheng Yen Vol.5
頁次377 - 413
出版者網址 http://www.ddc.com.tw/
出版地臺北市, 臺灣 [Taipei shih, Taiwan]
資料類型專題研究論文=Research Paper
附註項作者單位:南華大學宗教學研究所副教授=Associate Professor, Graduate Institute of Religious Studies, Nan-hua University
關鍵詞聖嚴法師=Venerable Shengyen; 華嚴思想=Hua-yen thoughts; 事事無礙法界=dharma realm of the non-obstruction between phenomena and phenomena; 如來藏=Tathāgata-garbha; 性相融會=harmonization of dharma-essence and dharma-phenomenon

In this article, we discuss Venerable Shengyen’s Hua-yen thoughts, through classifying and analyzing the relative materials found in his works. His main ideas are systematically interpreted and the characteristics of his thought are explored. The conclusions can be draw as followed:
1. The thoughts of the Hua-yen Sūtra are very rich and profound, and were classified by the Hua-yen School in China as the highest level of Buddhist teachings—one vehicle of distinctive teaching (別教一乘), which is famous by its subtlety and difficulty in understanding. This teaching shows the dharma realm of the non-obstruction between phenomena and phenomena (事事無礙法界) that one is in all and all in one, and everything penetrates into each other. Venerable Shengyen was able to explain Hua-yen’s profound theories in plain terms. This would assists modern Buddhist practitioners to understand the meaning of the dharma realm view of harmony and non-obstruction (圓融無礙), and could give them a good instruction on how to approach and realize ultimate truth. His way of interpretation is one of the contributions he has made to the dissemination of Hua-yen teaching in modern world.
2. Venerable Shengyen was versed in Hua-yen’s doctrine classification of five teachings (hīnayana, beginning, advanced, sudden and perfect teaching). This kind of doctrine classification aimed originally to establish the Hua-yen Sūtra in the highest and most unique place. Through the discussion of this theory of doctrine classification, however, the Venerable introduced the idea of the harmonization of dharma-essence and dharma-phenomenon (性相融會), for which he was inspired by Chinese Buddhist theories and the Buddhist thoughts in Late Ming China. From the perspective of Buddha’s perfect enlightenment, there wouldn’t be the division of different teachings, however, the Buddhist scholars saw from one-sided view and raised the arguments regarding dharma-essence and dharma-phenomenon. On a superficial level, there seem be different teachings, in fact they all flow from and return back to the dharma realm, and they all have an intrinsic harmony with the highest truth of Hua-yen Buddhism. As the limitations of various teachings were removed, it can be seen that all teachings are harmonious and non-obstructive. This idea of the harmonization of dharma-essence and dharma-phenomenon based on Hua-yen’s theory of doctrine classification is of positive significance, shows that the practices of various teachings all lead to the revelation of Hua-yen’s ultimate truth.
3. Regarding the thoughts of the Hua-yen Sūtra interpreted by the Venerable, some points deserve notice: first, he pointed out that this sūtra reveals the dharma realm realized by the Buddha himself, and is with the orderly steps of raising faith, understading, practicing and realizing. As the faith has been completely raised, the Bodhi mind is developed, and then having passed through the practice stages of ten dwellings, ten practices, ten dedications and ten grounds, the Buddha-hood is obtained. The Venerable emphasized the important position of raising faith in the practice process of this sūtra. Owing to the profundity of Hua-yen theories, the faith is a indispensable support to enter into them. As long as the faith is fully developed, the practitioner can step on the stage of seeing t
目次一、引言 379
二、由華嚴判教所示的真理趣入之道 381
三、華嚴圓融無盡真理的詮釋 391
四、《華嚴心詮》的思想特色 400
五、結論 407
英文摘要 410

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