晚唐五代敦煌康氏家族與歸義軍瓜州刺史康秀華考=A Study on the Kang Family of Dunhuang and Kang Xiuhua, the Gui-yi-jun Governor of Guazhou During the Late Tang and Five Dynasties
During the late Tang and Five Dynasties, the Kang Family was very powerful among the Sogdians at Dunhuang. After immigrating to Conghua Village at Dunhuang from Shicheng Township they became an extremely influential family in the region during the Tang dynasty, as evinced by the abundance of records about them among collected Dunhuang documents. They were not only engaged in crafts and trade, but also secured various official posts in the Tibetan and Gui-yi-jun( Return-to-Allegiance Army) regimes, and being both officials as well as businessmen soon became equal parts of their esteemed reputation. Kang Xiuhua is taken by this research as an exemplary member of his family. During the Tibetan Occupation he held an official position while running a business trading in luxury items such as spices, and when the Gui-yi-jun period ended the Tibetan occupation he became the assistant to the local managing officials, eventually being promoted to governor of Guazhou.