云岡第5、6窟=Caves 5 and 6 of the Yungang Grottoes; 造像思想=motif; 大乘成佛=Buddhist concept of obtaining Buddhahood through devout belief in Mahayana dharma; 《法華經》=Lotus Sūtra; 彌勒信仰=belief in Maitrya
Cave 5 at the Yungang Grottoes was created according to a generally integrated design. Apart from the central group of statues of Buddhas of the Past, Present, and Future, the Buddhist statues against the other walls are separated into groups respectively depicting Sakyamuni, Sakyamuni and Prabhutaratna, or Maitreya. These combinations of statues were originally a motif used in caves 7 and 8(placed against the north wall in the main chamber of both cave), and which became a popular theme used to cover the wall surfaces of Buddhist caves. In cave 6, the images of two sets of Buddhist ideas co-exist: the three Buddhist statues in the lower niche on the north wall represent the Buddhas of the Three Times, while those in the lower niches on the four sides of the central pillar embody the Buddhist thought of obtaining Buddhahood through devout belief in Mahayana dharma. This second theme integrates the ideas of 15 Buddhist caricatures surrounding the interior of the cave that represent reverential offering to, and subsequent communion with the Buddhas.