安岳=Anyue County; 前后蜀=Former and Later Shu Kingdoms; 摩崖造像=cliff carvings; 千手觀音變=illustration of Thousand-armed Avalokitesvara; 地藏十王變=illustration of Ksitigarbha with the Ten Kings
The Shengquansi Cliff Carvings site is located at Shengqian Village in Laifeng Township, Anyue County, Sichuan Province where there are 13 niches containing various statues and relics. The recognizable themes observable at the site include images of one Buddha and four lokapalas, Taoist statues, fifty-three Buddhas, Ksitigarbha,Buddhas of the three times, Vaisravana, illustrations of Thousand-armed Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva, Avalokitesvara and Ksitigarbha, and Ksitigarbha with the Ten Kings. The carvings here are large in size and well preserved with images typical of the Former and Later Shu kingdoms, the condition, size, and thematic variance of these works makes this site ideal for further archaeological research.