
Buddhism in Mongolian History, Culture, and Society
作者 Wallace, Vesna A.
出版者Oxford University Press
出版者網址 https://oxford.universitypressscholarship.com/
出版地New York, NY, US [紐約, 紐約州, 美國]
附註項Author Affiliations: The Department of Religious Studies at the University of California, Santa Barbara
關鍵詞Qing; Chinggis Khan; Mergen Tradition; Shakur Lama; Zanabazar; Clear Script; Zaya Pandita; Jebtsundamba; Khuluastai Monastery
摘要This volume comprises fifteen chapters dedicated to the study of Buddhism among various Mongolian ethnic groups: Khalkha, Oirats/Dzungars/Kalmyks, and Buryats. It presents historical figures that were influential in the development of Buddhism in Mongolia, contemporary Buddhist monastic and lay practices in Outer and Inner Mongolia and in Buryatia, and uniquely Mongolian artistic and literary Buddhist expressions. The book brings to light some of the unique historical and cultural elements of Mongolian Buddhism and its rich heritage. Although the book is not exhaustive in covering all areas of Mongolian Buddhism, it brings together for the first time a multidisciplinary discussion of various aspects of Buddhism in Mongolia: historical, anthropological, ethnographic, art historical, and literary. It takes into consideration regional and ethnic differences that have shaped Buddhism among various Mongolian ethnic groups. Since the time that Buddhism penetrated the Mongolian steppes and deserts, it underwent a series of transformations, adapting itself to the pastoral and nomadic culture of the Mongols and to different social and political realities. The book delineates some of the transformations that Mongolian Buddhism underwent during different historical periods, while retaining its unique Mongolian features. It offers a window into the interplay between social, political, religious, and cultural factors in the shaping of Buddhism among Mongols.
目次Introduction / Vesna A. Wallace
1. What Happened to Queen Jönggen? / Johan Elverskog
2. The Western Mongolian Clear Script and the Making of the Buddhist State / Richard Taupier
3. Shakur Lama: The Last Attempt to Build the Buddhist State / Baatr Kitinov
4. Modernities, Sense Making, and the Inscription of Mongolian Buddhist Place / Matthew King
5. Envisioning a Mongolian Buddhist Identity through Chinggis Khaan / Vesna A. Wallace
6. Establishment of the Mergen Tradition of Mongolian Buddhism / Uranchimeg Ujeed
7. Zanabazar (1635-1723): Vajrayana Art and the State in Medieval Mongolia / Uranchimeg Tsultemin
8. The Power and Authority of Maitreya in Mongolia Examined through Mongolian Art / Uranchimeg Tsultemin
9. A Literary History of Buddhism in Mongolia / Simon Wickham-Smith
10. How Vajrapani Became a Mongol / Vesna A. Wallace
11. What Do Protective Deities, Mongolian Heroes, and Fast Steeds Have in Common? / Vesna A. Wallace
12. Buddhist Sacred Mountains, Auspicious Landscapes, and Their Agency / Vesna A. Wallace
13. Criminal Lamas: Court Cases Against Buddhist Monks in Early Socialist Mongolia / Christopher Kaplonski
14. Transition and Transformation: Buddhist Women of Buryatia / Karma Lekshe Tsomo
15. The Social and Cultural Practices of Buddhism: The Local Context of Inner Mongolia in the First Half of the Twentieth Century / Hurelbaatar Ujeed.
ISBN0199958645; 9780199958641 (hardback); 9780199958665 (paperback); 9780199958658 (ebook); 9780190206819 (online content)
  1. Book Review: Buddhism in Mongolian History, Culture, and Society Edited by Vesna A. Wallace / Valtrová, Jana (評論)
  2. Book Review: Buddhism in Mongolian History, Culture, and Society, by Vesna A. Wallace / Abrahms-Kavunenko, Saskia (評論)

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