
國燃巴《辨別正見》的中觀思想研究=A Study on Gorampa's Madhyamaka Thought in “The Moon Rays of the Highest Mahayana Core Analytic Views”
作者 黃英傑 (著)=Huang, Ying-chieh (au.)
出版者網址 https://oh.hfu.edu.tw/main.php
出版地臺北, 臺灣 [Taipei, Taiwan]
資料類型博碩士論文=Thesis and Dissertation
關鍵詞藏傳佛教=Tibetan Buddhism; 格魯派=Gelupa; 薩迦派=Sakyapa; 宗喀巴=Tsongkhapa; 國燃巴=Gorampa; 中觀自續派=Svatantrika Madhyamaka; 中觀應成見=Prasavgika Madhyamaka; 離邊中觀見=Free from Extremes Madhyamaka
摘要「中觀見」是藏傳佛教各派所共同主張的究竟見地,而「中觀應成見」(Prasavgika Madhyamika)更是格魯派所強調的唯一正見,近代漢地學者也多未加批判地將藏傳佛教格魯派的「中觀應成見」官學,視為印度佛教月稱(Candrakīrti)等論師的嫡傳主張,這對於涵義豐富的「中觀應成見」是一個過分簡單的看法,也是一個化約從而包含了若干誤解的看法。

Madhyamaka is highly regarded as the ultimate view across all major lineages of Tibetan Buddhism. Prasavgika Madhyamaka, the sub-school of Madhyamka Buddihsm, is perceived by some the only ultimate view in the Gelupa linage since it holds the method of logical consequence (pasavga) and this method appears to be the only valid method of demonstrating the nature of the Two Truths to opponents in debate. Without much debating, most of modern Han-scholars believed that the official philosophy, Prasavgika Madhyamaka in Gelupa, is same as founded by the Indian Buddhist master Candrakīrti. However, holding this belief may be in risk of oversimplifing the truth; in addition, causing misunderstandings
The backbone of this thesis is to discuss the debate of Prasavgika Madhyamaka sub-school, developed by the founder of Gelupa lineage – Tsongkhpa. The discussion is based on the book “ The Moon Rays of the Highest Mahayana Core Analytic Views” by Gorampa (1429-1489) of Sakya lineage. Two other books from Gorampa, which are “ Removal of Wrong Views” and “ General Meaning of Madhyamaka”, are also incorporated in this thesis to elaborate Gorampa’s “Free From Extremes Madhyamaka” View, which entails a broader view from Svatantrika and Prasavgika respectively. The aim is to investigate the differences of definition and opinion on Madhyamaka, the specific goal in the Tibetan Buddhism, between Sakya and Gelupa lineages. Furthermore, it means to uncover the underlying meanings of Madhyamaka in a multiple level and to provoke new sorting categories for it.
In the first chapter〈Introduction〉,I will introduce the logics for the questions raised and the methods for research. I will also collect and examine all related literatures discussing Madhyamaka in the Tibetan Buddhism to illustrate (why this research is needed and the significance of doing so) the necessity and significance of conducting this research. In Chapter 2〈The Introduction and Development of Madhyamaka in Tibetan Buddhism, the milestones of Madhyamaka development in Indo/Tibetan Buddhism will be discussed in details. The purpose is to emphasize the importance and possibility of dissecting and describing Madhyamaka from various angles. In Chapter 3〈The Biography, Lineage and Philosophy of Sakya lineage and Gorampa〉, I will discuss the academic background and contributions of the Sakya lineage and Gorampa, Gorampa's religious critiques, and his opinions about Tsongkhapa's Madhyamaka Sub-school.
In Chapter 4〈Gorampa’s Understanding and Analysis of Tsongkhapa's Madhyamika〉, I will describe Gorampa’s viewpoint and elucidation about Tsongkhapa’s Madhyamaka , through the seven distinguishing features of Tsongkhapa indicated by Gorampa. Also Furthermor, a comparison will be made between afore mentioned technique and Tsongkhapa's eight difficult points of Prasavgika Madhyamaka. In the 5th chapter〈Gorampa’s Opposing Opinions on Tsongkhapa’s Madhyamaka〉, I will discuss how Gorampa criticized the infrastructure, methods of analysis and viewpoints on Tsongkhapa’s Madhyamaka. As well as the descending, differences and features of Madhyamaka between Gorampa and Tsongkhapa. In Chapter 6〈Free From Extremes Madhyamaka Developed By Gorampa
目次第一章 導論 1
第一節 研究動機與目的 1
第二節 相關文獻回顧 4
第三節 研究進路、方法與範圍 14
第四節 研究架構與預期研究成果 17
第二章 藏傳佛教中觀見的傳入與發展 19
第一節 中道與中觀 19
第二節 印度佛教中觀派與中觀師 24
第三節 藏傳佛教舊譯時期的中觀見傳入與發展 34
第四節 藏傳佛教新譯初期的中觀見傳入與發展 42
第三章 薩迦派與國燃巴的生平、傳承和思想 52
第一節 藏傳佛教薩迦派與其顯教中觀傳承簡介 52
第二節 國燃巴的傳記版本、生平與影響 67
一 國燃巴的傳記版本初探 67
二 國燃巴的生平 71
三 國燃巴的影響 78
第三節 國燃巴的宗教批判 84
第四節 國燃巴對宗喀巴中觀傳承的疑議 92
第四章 《辨別正見》對宗喀巴中觀應成見的認識與解析 103
第一節《辨別正見》的七特點與宗喀巴「八難釋」 103
第二節 勝義空性的解析 107
第三節 世俗名言與滅是實有的解析 114
第四節 煩惱障與所知障的解析 118
第五節 人法二我的解析 121
第六節 大小乘斷證差別的解析 124
第七節 不承許阿賴耶識及自證分,而主張(世俗)有外境的解析 128
第八節 不承認三相正因、自性實有的解析 131
第五章《辨別正見》對宗喀巴中觀應成見的批判 134
第一節 勝義空性的批判 134
第二節 世俗名言與滅是實有的批判 151
一 世俗名言的批判 151
二 滅是實有的批判 153
三 俗諦上不承許有第八識時,有情所見不同外境如何顯現 157
第三節 煩惱障與所知障的批判 162
第四節 人法二我的批判 167
第五節 大小乘斷證差別的批判 173
第六節 不承許阿賴耶識及自證分,而主張(世俗)有外境的批判 188
第七節 不承認三相正因、自性實有的批判 194
一 若許自相,則定須許自續的批判 194
二 應成與自續區別的批判 202
1.主張的差異,分為內外萬法無自生等的四種主張 202
2.合理的差異 202
3.建立於二諦何者上 203
第六章《辨別正見》國燃巴的離邊中觀見探析 209
第一節 宣講中觀正見之對象 209
第二節 基位中觀 217
一 抉擇世俗諦 218
二 抉擇勝義 222
1.凡夫透過正理所知的相似勝義 222
2.聖者定中以無離戲論方式所了悟的實相─真實勝義諦 227
第三節 道位中觀 231
一 指認所斷的兩種障礙 231
二 指認能斷的對治法 234
第四節 果位中觀 243
第五節 國燃巴之經論依據 247
一 相似勝義 247
二 真實勝義 249
三 遠離四邊戲論 251
第七章 總結 254
第一節 研究成果與貢獻 254
第二節 研究過程之反省及檢討 259
第三節 未來研究之前瞻 261

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