The rent-collecting system in Kusô-Ryô-shô 供僧料荘 of Tôji 東寺, rehabilitated since the Ennô 延応 era, was established in the Kenchô 建長 era. Control of Shô 荘 by Kusô 供僧 developed by the unrest of the system soon after the Kenchô era, increasing in its kinds and demesne, especially in Bunei 文永--Kôan 弘安, Einin 永仁--Shôan 正安, Shôwa 正和--Bunpo 文保, and Shôchû 正中--Kemmu 建武. On the other hand, its process, owing to the payment in cash of public rent and circulation of coins in the Kusô economy, was also that of the change in the human relation on the former system to the pursuit of profits through coins. Collection of rents more and more depended on the contract of Daikan 代官, and Kashiage 借上, Yamabushi 山伏 and resident Kokujin 国人 joined through the process into the system. After the Kannô 観応 Rebellion, since the Bunwa 文和--Enbun 延文, as a certain maturity grew in the country, this was more and more systematized, until it was stabilized in the Muromachi 室町 era through the epoch of Ôan 応安--Meitoku 明徳; which was a kind of stagnation judging from the Kusô economy. This article, from this point of view, presents some doubt to the theory "revellionrevolution of Nanboku 南北 dynasties", or the view that laooks on Shugo-Ryôkoku 守護領国 system as a provincial feudalism.