Comparing the karma creed of Chinese origin in the Liu chao (六朝) era and Sui T'ang (隋唐) dynasties with the Buddhist origin from the view-point of the cultural contact, we are to investigate how the change and feature of that creed of Chinese origin were. The contents of this essay are as follows: Chapter 1. (introduction) dedicated to especially explain doctrines based on the karma creed. Chapter 2. about the Chinese traditional morals and the Buddhist precepts as the standard of judging good or evil in the karma creed. In the karma stories there were many about evil, especially destruction of life and death in which pure karma stories were developed. Chapter 3. about that karma stories about evil (murder) in which murder cases by struggles for power of the imperial household and officials, despotism of officials, or jealousy and grudge of household women are of Chinese character. Chapter 4. about good done by stealth and sutra-chanting as a good cause, and prolonged life, appointment, and promotion as a good result. Chapter 5. adout the sutras chanted by the public by comparing with those of the priests in relation to the idolmaking creed, and about the reason why Chin Kang ching (金剛経), Fa hua ching (法華経), and Kuan yin ching (観音経) sutras were most respected. Chapter 6. conclusion.