This paper is a continuous exploration on the theory and research of Kinugawa Kenji and Wan Chin-chuan. Basing off the Sheng-yu Canon manuscript as well as the Nian Chapter included in the block-printed canons of the Central Plain lineage and the Southern lineage, this article uses the Chuyao jing, an Avadana scripture closely related to the Dharmapada, to collate the phrases of the Nian Chapter recorded in the Kehong Yinyi. At the same time, this paper uses those phrase to collate the manuscript and block-printed canons, to not only identify the difference among the variant readings, but to correct them so that they complement each other. It firstly explains the meaning of the tittle of the Chuyao jing and how it was recorded in the catalogues of the canons. Second, it discusses how the sutras are preserved in the manuscript and current blocked-printed canons. Third, it outlines previous scholarship on the Chuyao jing. Furthermore, it collects the phrases of the Nian Chapter recorded in the Kehong yinyi and analyzes the categories of variant readings. In this way, this paper looks into the possibility of the Kaibao Canon having different versions as proposed by Lu Cheng, it discusses the Canon, as an Ur-text shared by the Central Plains, Northern an Southern lineages, as a the foundation to determine the relationship among the lineages.