In late Koryo, Pure Land Buddhism had a tendency to be mixed with other Buddhist thoughts. At that time Seon(禪), T'ien-t'ai(天台), Hwaom(華嚴) and Tantric Buddhism(密敎) school's thinkers accepted Pure Land Buddhism as a kind of expedient to get the awakening(覺). Thingking or calling Buddha(念佛) was understood as a means, and Pure Land was understood not in the west(西方淨土) but in one's mind(唯心淨土). That's the character of Pure Land Buddhism at that time. This tendency could be found in the White Lotus group(白蓮結社). Although the leaders of the group recommended people who participate in the group to call Buddha(念佛), they warned people not to stay the observance of phenomena(事觀). They recommended participants to thinking of Amitābha by Observance of truth(理觀念佛). Their thought was based on the theory of Amitābha's thinking of mind(約心觀佛說) which was the important principle of Chih-li(知禮)'s practice of Pure Land of T'ien-t'ai(天台淨土觀).
I. 들어가는 말 127 II. 白蓮結社의 開創과 이론적 토대 129 1. 四明知禮의 영향 130 1) 『觀無量壽佛經疏妙宗鈔』의 구성 131 2) 約心觀佛論 133 III. 白蓮結社 主法者들의 實修行法 135 IV. 白蓮結社 天台淨土思想의 성격 138 1. 往生因 138 2. 佛身佛土論 141 3. 末法思想 143 Ⅴ. 맺는 말 147