
판본별 티베트대장경에서의 삼장명의 고찰=A Study on the Names of Tibetan Tripitakas by Xylographic edition
作者 최종남 (著)=Choi, Jong-nam (au.)
出處題名 불교학연구=Korea Journal of Buddhist Studies
頁次125 - 147
出版者網址 http://www.kabs.re.kr/
出版地Daegu, South Korea [大邱, 韓國]
資料類型期刊論文=Journal Article
關鍵詞고려대장경=Goryeo dae jang gyeong; 데르게 판본=sDe-dge Edition; 북경 판본=Peking Edition; 산스크리트어 경명=Sanskrit Title; 티베트대장경=Tibetan Buddhist Canon; 티베트의 경명=Tibetan Title; 한역 경명=Chinese Title
摘要 Tripitakas (Sūtra, Vinaya, Abhidharma) in Buddhism were recorded in Sanskrit and Pāli, Which were the original languages, in Tibetan and Chinese, Which were translated languages, and in Korean and Japanese translated from Chinese versions.
With the transmission of Buddhism, Tripitakas were translated and studied into these languages in different kingdom throughout the history, and were engraved and published in Pāli, Tibetan and Chinese except Sanskrit. Tibetan Tripitakas and Chinese Tripitakas were mostly engraved and published several times in each age by the king's command or at need of Buddhist priests or believers.
Among Tripitakas by language and Xylographic edition, Tibetan Tripitakas are different between Xylographic edition in the kind, volume and arrangement of Tripitakas. In particular, the names of Tripitakas recorded in Xylographic edition are significantly different from one another.
Their types are as follows.
The names of Tripitakas are different from one another in the natation of suffix, the notation of long syllables, the notation of particles, the gender of nouns, the notation of indefinite particles, etc. In addition, there are omission or addition of a part of words, different notation of the borrowed spelling Sanskrit, abbreviated names of Tripitakas in some Xylographic edition of Tibetan Tripitakas.
The present study examined these problems in the names of Tripitakas centering on Peking Edition(P.), sDe-dge Edition(D U.,D T.), which are most commonly utilized among Tibetan Tripitakas.
This research studied 426 Tripitakas translated into Tibetan out of 1514 Tripitakas found in Koreana Tripitakas.
The names of the 426 Tripitakas are listed in two parts of Tibetan Tripitakas, which are bKaḥ ḥgyur and bsTan ḥgyur.
Among the 426 names of Tripitakas, 70 Tibetan names indicate different types of Sūtra and Abhidharma names between Xylographic edition.
For most of them, it is impossible to compare and verify them with the original versions. Accordingly, it is hardly possible to restore the names of Tripitakas to the perfect state. Nevertheless, this study corrected them close to the original versions by comparing relevant literature and the contents of Sūtra and Abhidharmas.

目次I. 서언
II. 티베트대장경에서의 삼장명에 대한 고찰
1. 판본별 심장명 중에서 접미사 pa와 ba의 표기가 다른 부분(뒷 부분의 예가 誤記임).
2. 판본별 심장명 중에서 인용조사(ces, shes, śes)와 뒷자가 일치하지 않는 부분.
3. 판본별 심장명 중에서 조사의 표기가 일치하지 않는 부분.
4. 판본별 심장명 중에서 명사의 性이 서로 다르게 표기되어 있는 부분.
5. 판본별 심장명 중에서 일부 단어가 생략되어 있는 부분.
6. 판본별 심장명 중에서 일부 단어가 첨가된 부분.
7. 판본별 심장명 중에서 론명이 축역되어 있는 부분.
8. 판본별 심장명 중에서 부정조사 표기가 일치하지 않는 부분.
9. 판본별 심장명 중에서 산스크리트어 음사 표기가 서로 다른 부분.
10. 목차 중에서 표기의 誤記가 있는 부분.
III. 맺는 말
ISSN15980642 (P)

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