Wonhyo's solving methodology on the conflicting opinions succeeding in Jizang(吉藏)'s, however, he arranged newly in the view of his own perspective. For example, while Jizang selected methods that arrived the truth by negating the negation (negation + negation), Wonhyo solved the conflict among confronting arguments by using negation and affirmation together. Wonhyo insists that the extreme huge(至大) and the extreme little(至小) have the same quantity each other. This rhetoric, found in his Gisillon-Byeolgi and Gisillon-so already, includes the re-interpretation for Jizang's explanations. These are Wonhyo's basic attitude throughout his whole writings consistently. It was influenced by Jizang's Sanlun-thoughts. Though Wonhyo was influenced by Jizang's Sanlun-thoughts, he didn't receive it in the same as it was written. But the two kinds of facts above proves that Jizang's Sanlun-thoughts influenced the form of Wonhyo's Thought.
I. 들어가는 말 123 II. 教判觀의 유사성 124 1. 吉藏의 教判觀 124 2. 元暁의 教判觀 127 III. 회통 논리의 전개 방식에 보이는 유사성 131 IV. 원효의 至大至小 相入說과 길장 136 1. 원효사상에서 至大至小 相入說의 위치 136 2. 至大至小 相入說의 성립과 길장의 영향 137 V. 맺는 맣 143