화엄의 상즉상입설, 그 의미와 구조 -- 數十錢法의 전개와 관련하여=The Meaning and Structure of the Mutual-Identity and Mutual-Entering(相卽相入) in Huayen Buddhism—centered on the developments of the metaphor of counting ten coins
화엄=Huayen; 상즉상입=entity and Mutual-Entering=相卽相入; 수십전법=Huayen's metaphor of counting ten coins=數十錢法; 삼론=sanlun; 의상=Euisang
This paper examines the idea of the Mutual-Identity and Mutual-Entering(相卽相入) of Huayen Buddhism through tracing developments of Huayen's metaphor of counting ten coins(數十錢法). Although Huayen buddhists accept the basic idea of Sanlun's Mutual-Identity(相卽) as it is, there is a definite difference in its explanation. The Huayen uses the metaphor of counting ten coins for it. Euisang(義湘) unfolds his idea of the Mutual-Identity and Mutual-Entering upon the basis of two-fold structure of Jungmun(中門, Mutual-Entering) and Jeukmun(卽門, Mutual-Identity). He reconstructs the idea of Sanlun's Mutual-Identity as Huayen's Mutual-Entering, and adds Huayen's own idea of Mutual-Identity as a new view-point. Jungmun means, he says, the concept of the differentiation aiming at the integration. On the contrary, Jeukmun can be explained as the integration pointing at the differentiation. In other words, this explains the side of Buddha's delivering sentient beings; and that does the side of sentient beings' seeking the enlightenme- nt. Euisang's two-fold structure implies that Huayen's idea of Mutual-Identity emphasizes the equality much more than Sanlun's. Fazang(法藏) systematizes Euisang's metaphor of counting ten coins. The most remarkable point in his reformed theory is the idea of the Substance-Differing Area(異體門) and the Substance-Sharing Area(同體門). He includes Euisang's Jungmun and Jeukmun in his own Substance-Differing Area, and creates the new area of Substance-Sharing Area. In his new area, we shall see Fazang's intention to emphasize that Huayen Buddhism is the only teaching for Ekayana not for any other.
I. 들어가는 말 5 II. 吉藏에게 있어서의 相卽과 相入 7 III. 華嚴教學에서의 相卽相入說과 數十錢喩 12 1. 義湘의 경우 - 中門과 卽門의 시설 13 2. 법장의 경우 - 空有와 異體同體 20 IV. 맺는 말 24