In this paper, I try to find out the position and meaning of Wu-T'ing-Hsin-Kuan (five contemplations of calming the mind) in early Buddhist literatures. Wu-T'ing-Hsin-Kuan had been accepted as basic methods of concentration meditation in the tradition of Indian sectarian Buddhism, Mahayana Buddhism and East Asian Buddhim. At first, an etymological study of Wu-T'ing-Hsin-Kuan is made, and I try to analyse and understand the meaning of each concept through early Buddhist Literatures. In later Buddhist traditions, especially Mahayana Buddhism and the East Asian Buddhist tradition, Wu-T'ing-Hsin-Kuan was considered as the basic meditation methods for calming down certain mental problems (kilesā) which are sensual desires (kāmacchanda), hatred (vyāpada), wavering (vicikicchā), conceit (māna) and distracting thought (vitakka). But some parts of Wu-T'ing-Hsin-Kuan have essential and important roles in the meditation of the early Buddhist tradition, especially the contemplation on dependent origination (idappaccayatāpaṭiccasamuppāda) and the contemplation on the elements (dhātuppabheda) are the very practices to be connected with the enlightenment of the early Buddhist saints. We understand that these five parts of the Buddhist practices play roles as basic methods to overcome specific defilements and also some components directly and essentially contribute to the attainment of enlightenment in the early Buddhist tradition of meditation.
I. 머리말 183 II. 어원적 근거 184 III. 오정심관의 개념에 대한 이해 190 1. 부정관(不淨觀) asubha [bhāvanā](팔리), aśubhā [bhāvanā](범어) 190 2. 자비관(慈悲觀) mettā(팔리), maitrī(범어) 192 3. 인연관(因緣觀) idappaccayatāpaṭiccasamuppāda(팔리) idaṃ pratyayatāpratītyasamutpādaḥ(범어) 193 4. 계분별관(界分別觀) dhātuppabheda(팔리), dhātuprabhedaḥ(범어) 195 5. 안나반나관(安那般那觀) ānāpānasati(팔리), ānāpānasmṛti(범어) 197 6. 오정심관의 다양한 구성 198 IV. 초기불전의 용례를 통해본 오정심관의 의미 199 1. 부정관에 대한 초기불전의 용례 201 2. 자비관에 대한 초기불전의 용례 204 3. 인연관에 대한 초기불전의 용례 208 4. 계분별관에 대한 초기불전의 용례 213 5. 안나반나관에 대한 초기불전의 용례 216 V. 맺는 말 220