智顗=Zhiyi; 証真=Shoushin; 本純=Honjun; 『維摩経玄疏』=Weimojing Xuanshu; 『維摩経略鈔録』=Yuimagen ryakusho; 『維摩玄疏籤』=Yuimagensho senroku; 五重玄義=The live categories of profound meaning
The six volumnes of Weimojing Xaundhu 維摩經玄疏 is written by Tiantai Zhiyi 智顗, the founding monk of the Chinese Tiantai school of Buddhism, for Prince Guang 晋王廣, who went on to become the Sui Dynasty Emperor Yangdi 煬帝, In this text, Zhiyi analyzes the essence of the Weimojie Suoshuo Jing 維學詰所説經(Vimalakirtinirdesa),as translated by Kumarajiva, by utilizing the five categories of profound meaning 五重玄義. This method of analysis is the same as used in Zniyi's Fahua Xuanyi 法華玄義, which became an authoritative text for the Tiantai school, The Weimojing Xuanshu then is not merely a commentary on a sutra, but also a systematic explanation of Tiantai school doctrine. Alhrough Weimojing Xuanshu is an important text in the research of Chinese Tiantai doctrine, there are many discrepancies that arose in later versions of the text that were eventually compiled into the Japanese Taisho Tripitaka, For example, one portion of the Taisho Tripitaka retains contents that were incorrectly reordered during the production of the 1648 version of the Weimojing Xuanshu. The problem was partially resolved by a 1750 revision of the Weimojing Xuanshu, but it seems that an editor did refer to the revision when compiling the Taisho Tripitaka, and so wrong characters remain intact in its current version. An annotated Japanese translation of the Weimojing Xuanshu has been attempted twice in the past. The first, by KANNO Hiroshi, included detailed annotations in notes but was regrettably never finished. The second was edited by MURANAKA Yusho and compiled into the Tendaishukyoseiten Il, but does not include any annotations. Therefore I aim to compare and compile prior versions of the Weimojing Xuanshu into a new and fully annotated Japanese translation. For the convenience of scholars, I also plan to add two commentaries on the Weimojing Xuanshu written by Japanese monks: the Yuimagen ryakusho 維摩經玄略鈔 ,by Shoushin 證眞,and the Yuimagensho senroku 維摩玄疏籤錄, written by Honjun 本純. As the translation will be released in several installments, this paper will be the first release in the series. It will include approximately one-third of Weimojing Xuanshu volume one, I also plan to attach a bibliography of the Weimojing Xuanshu on the front of the translation.