Author affiliation: Mahachulalongkornrajavidyalaya University
Buddhism in Russia; Culture; Politics
Buddhism in Russia was known as a traditional religion of several ethnic minorities from the 17th century A.D. and since then has been infl uenced by complex cultural and political processes. Not least, religion in Buddhist regions and interest in Buddhism among people from non-Buddhist backgrounds throughout history was heavily infl uenced, if not defi ned, by the state. This article examines how Buddhism is represented within the framework of multi-ethnic and multi-confessional state, and which trends in cultural and political life had the major infl uence that shaped its modern appearance. While territorial expansion and political agenda in the East had encouraged oriental studies and brought fi rst research dedicated to the Buddhist teaching and culture, hardline anti-religious policy during the times of the Soviet Union led to suspension of Buddhism-related research and destruction of traditional Buddhist culture in the three Buddhist regions of Buryatia, Kalmykia and Tuva. For three decades now, the country is experiencing a period of religious revival, which involves not only traditional religions but a diversity of religious groups that historically have never existed within Russian borders.
The Diverse Representations of Buddhism in Contemporary Russia 143 Buddhism and State throughout the Russian History 144 Buddhism within the Framework of a Multi-Confessional State 145 Buddhism Within the Cultural Space of Russia 146 Conclusion 148