Author affiliation: Mahamonkut Buddhis University (MBU)
K.B.M.D; Tri-Sikkha; BPL
Human Resource development is essential for the progress of any country in the world. Human resource development has become synonymous with the development process of a country in preparing the human resource. It should no longer postpone further the achievement of the goal of education for all. It should be addressed urgently as the basic learning need according to A.P.J. Abdul Kalam “the country doesn’t deserve anything less than success from us, let us aim for success.This article is related to Role ofK.B.M.D in preparing the good youths behavior toward Darjeeling. The objectives of this study paraphrase on the background of K.B.M.D., role of 1.1.1.D it is run by Ven. Dhamma Dhiroo in preparing the good youth behavior and the achievement of ex-students of K.B.M.D into Darjeeling and India. The descriptive survey and document analysis were used for this study, the purposive sampling was done, structural interview and participation observation has been chosen for tool and data collection. The result of this study was found that:the K.B.M.D is a NGO, it called mission was found by Dhamma Viriyo Mahathero for take care of the child in need from Below Poverty Line (BPL). The role of K.B.M.D in preparing the good youths behavior according to Buddhist way in other hand, Tri-Sikkha (Three Fold Training). It is applied for management. The ex-students can surveillance themselves and help the society in many dimensions.
Introduction 370 Objective of this study 371 Methodology to be Used 371 Sampling Technique & Tool to be Used 371 Findings 371 Finding for the objectives 371 The achievement of K.B.M.D as per observationstudents’ behavior as follow: 373 Finding for the objective 2. 374 Conclusion 374 Implication of the study 374