20世紀東漢與魏晉佛教考古研究 - 20世紀中國佛教考古研究述評(一)=Research of Eastern Han, Wei and Jin Buddhist Archaeology in the Twentieth Century: Rethinking the Research of Chinese Buddhist Archaeology in the Twentieth Century (1)
佛教考古=Buddhist archaeology; 佛教傳播; 孔望山=Kongwang Shan; 佛獸鏡=Bronze Mirror with Buddha Images; 穀倉罐=Soul jar; 炳靈寺169窟=Cave 169 of Bingling si; 龜茲石窟=Kucha grottoes; 克孜爾石窟=Kizil cave temples; 庫木吐喇石窟=Kumutula cave temples
本文對二十世紀東漢與魏晉佛教考古研究作了系統地述評,重點評論了對佛教傳入中國之始的考古學觀察,對漢晉時期的孔望山、佛獸鏡、穀倉罐上的佛像的研究,對西秦時期炳靈寺169窟的研究,對早晚期龜茲石窟的分期研究與報告的撰寫等考古工作。這些研究充分論述了中國早期佛教藝術的發展與中亞、印度的密切關係。同時,學者們也探討了中國佛教信徒與藝術家在接受外來藝術品時的態度 - 由模仿到加工、再創作。二十世紀研究的另一項成果就是資料的發表。一大批由實地考察得出的新資料湧現,為學者們的進一步研究提供了詳實的客觀資料。但與後期佛教藝術相比,早期佛教考古研究的最大障礙仍是資料的不全面。因此對一些早期佛教藝術史問題仍不能得以充分了解。所以,今後對早期佛教考古的研究突破,將會以新資料的發現來帶動。 This article commented the research on Eastern Han(25 - 220 AD),Wei(220 - 265 AD) and Jin(265 - 420 AD) Buddhist archaeology in the twentieth century.The author summarized and argued some essential researches on the beginning of the transmission of Buddhism from India to China based on the archaeological finds,as well as Kongwang shan cliff images,bronze mirrors and the ceramic Soul Jars with Buddha images from the 3rd to 4th century.In addition,the author introduced and commented the researches on Cave 169(dated around 420 AD) at Bingling si grottoes,and early cave temples in the area of Kucha,Xinjiang.The above researches contributed to exploring the development of early Chinese Buddhist art and the close relationship between China,Central Asia,and India.Meanwhile,the scholars also discussed the attitudes of Chinese Buddhists and artists when they accepted the Buddhist icons from the West,from imitation and alteration to their new creation based on Chinese native aesthetic taste. Another essential contribution of 20th century research is the publications of a number of archaeological finds,which are the first hand materials for scholars’ further research.However,compared with the research of Buddhist archaeology from the middle of the 5 th century onward,the biggest obstacle of the research on Chinese Buddhist art from Eastern Han,Wei and Jin periods still is the limited material.Therefore, we still cannot understand some issues related to early Buddhist art history.The future study of early Buddhist archaeology will be improved by the new archaeological finds.