
南傳《論事》與部派佛教「補特伽羅」說之探討=The A Study on "Kathavatthu" of Theravada Buddhism and Theory of "Pudgala" in Abhidharma Buddhism
作者 釋慧悟 (著)
出版者網址 https://www.hfu.edu.tw/
出版地新北市, 臺灣 [New Taipei City, Taiwan]
資料類型博碩士論文=Thesis and Dissertation
關鍵詞原始佛教=early Buddhism; 犢子部=Vātsīputrīyāḥ Sect; 南傳《論事》=Southern School’s “Kathāvattu”; 「補特伽羅」=“Pudgala”




This thesis will investigate the theory of Pudgala from the perspective of Abhidhamma Kathvatthu. First of all, it sets out the background of the debate on what Pudgala means. This debate occurred about 200-300 years after the Nirvana of Buddha during the Sectarian period of the Theravadin School, which was during the Indian Ashoka era. Since the Indian philosophy and the views of the Vātsīputrīyāḥ Sect of the Theravadin School advocate "the theory of the presence of an actual self personality". Therefore, the debate is centred around the issues of criticism raised in the fifth of 226 topics of the debate. Its main concern was the critical views of the Vātsīputrīyāḥ Sect and also the existence of variant perspectives and interpretations. This is the point of “Pudgala”, in the Theravadin School, it had been translated as “Kathvatthu-puggala”, the critical method used was based on logical debate. Therefore, I would like to start from the perspective of Northern Buddhist School text of Samayabhedoparacanacakra, being one of the most complete translations available. The main method of investigation in this study is based on the use of Theravadin School’s eight methods of logical reasoning from the “Abhidhamma Kathvatthu”.

This thesis has three main areas of discussion:

1. The theory of the origin and meaning of “Self-personality”
2. The viewpoints from the Sarvastivada Sect and the Vātsīputrīyāḥ Sect about Pudgala are different The perspectives from different schools about Pudgala will all be different.
3. The logical methodology of critical debate on “Pudgala” based on the Southern Schools’ “Kathvatthu-puggala”.
4. The theory of “Pudgala” from the perspective of Vātsīputrīyāḥ Sect of the Theravadin School.

In the criticism of the Externalists during the early Buddhist period, it was made clear that the so-called "Self-Personality theory" truly exists without change and this view has been declared by the Buddha as "extreme" and belongs to one of the false views. Buddha then expounded the Madhyamika viewpoint - "karma - cause and effect". Included in this "karma – cause and effect" are the principles of "with - without", "birth - extinction ", you can say that it itself has neither beginning nor ending, also it does not have the internal quality of the role of an original creator as proposed in other religions. The attitude towards the theory of the supreme god or Brahma God created everything is not recognized as a common concept in early Buddhism and thus advocated a "non-self" theory.

The Sectarian Buddhist period, Vātsīputrīyāḥ Sect of the Theravadin School should have the view point of an actual real entity, “The Self Theory” and hence the view of “Pudgala”. The Vātsīputrīyāḥ Sect perspective is that if there were no self – then who were to go through the cycle of birth and death, and who were to receive retribution, and so on. The controversy still surrounds “the existence and non-existence” of “Pudgala”, the lengthy discussion on issues such as the authenticity of the soul and so forth, these various perspectives are initiated from the different schools, such as those from “Kathāvattu”、those from Sarvāstivādaḥ Sect、Sautrāntika Sect and so on.

The perspective on "non-self" comes from the early Buddhist scri
目次摘要 I
Abstract II
目錄 IV

第一章 緒論 1
第一節 研究動機、研究目的及問題意識 1
一、研究動機 1
二、研究目的 2
三、問題意識 2
第二節 研究方法、研究範圍、研究資料 3
一、研究方法 3
二、研究範圍 3
三、研究資料 4
第三節 學界研究概況 7
一、專書著作 7
二、期刊論文 8
三、學位論文 9
第四節 論文結構說明 10

第二章 「自我」觀念起源 11
第一節 「自我」思想起源及涵義 12
一、「自我」的思想起源 12
二、「自我」之涵義 15
第二節 古《奧義書》「自我」哲學思想 16
一、「梵我合一」之說 16
二、「自我之四位說」 20
第三節 原始佛教「非我」觀念及理解 22
一、「無我」與「非我」論的考察 23
二、「非我」觀念的思想演進 26
三、原始佛教「非我」論證的形式 31
第四節 本章小結 37

第三章 部派佛教「補特伽羅」思想由來 40
第一節 「補特伽羅」涵義及釋義 41
一、「補特伽羅」之涵義 41
二、「補特伽羅」之釋義 42
第二節 說一切有部「人無我」說 42
一、「一切有」之定義 43
二、說一切有部「人無我」的論證 44
第三節 犢子部對說一切有部「人無我」的質疑 47
一、犢子部之源流 47
二、犢子部對說一切有部「人無我」之爭論 49
第四節 本章小結 53

第四章 南傳的《論事》對「補特伽羅」說的理論 55
第一節 探討《論事》來源與定義 55
一、「論事」之來源 55
二、「論事」之定義 56
第二節 《論事》成立年代、目犍連子帝須與阿育王的相遇及內容 57
一、考察《論事》年代成立 57
二、目犍連子帝須與阿育王的相遇 57
三、《論事》的內容 58
第三節 《論事》對「補特伽羅說」的理論而邏輯式 58
一、《論事》邏輯限制 59
二、《論事》邏輯式 59
三、所有的邏輯方式「八罰論」中(Aṭṭhakaniggaha) 62
第四節 小結 87

第五章 部派佛教的犢子部之「補特伽羅」思想 88
第一節 犢子部「補特伽羅」的論點 88
一、「補特伽羅說」的理論根據 90
二、假名有、施設有的見解 94
第二節 「補特伽羅」說中主體義設立的必要 97
一、「補特伽羅」是從前世到後世的輪迴主體 98
二、「補特伽羅」記憶保存 98
三、補特伽羅是六識生起的所依 99
第二節 犢子部之「不可說我」 100
一、犢子部之「不可說我」 101
第三節 小結 104

第六章 結論 106
第一節 研究結果綜述及發現 106
一、研究結果綜述 106
二、研究發現 110
第二節 後研究之省思與展望 111

參考文獻 113

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