
唯識學轉識成智歷程與榮格個體化過程比較研究 ― 以心識轉變為中心=A Comparative Study on The Process of Only Knowledge's Transfer Knowledge into Wisdomand Jung's Individualization -- Centered on The Change of Mind Consciousness
作者 孫淑儀 (撰)=Sun, Shu-yi (compose)
出版者網址 https://web.nhu.edu.tw/
出版地嘉義縣, 臺灣 [Chia-i hsien, Taiwan]
資料類型博碩士論文=Thesis and Dissertation
關鍵詞唯識學=Only knowledge; 轉識成智=wisdom; 心理投射=psychological projection; 心識轉化=transformation of mind; 榮格=Jung; 個體化=individualization

The Only knowledge of the subject is in the knowledge of the mind is the transformation of the subject's consciousness, not the real outside, but sentient beings hold the thought of reality, and into the learning, thus causing the plight of life, and put forward the Bodhi heart, the practice, stop view, repair Paramita, ...... And so the practice to realize the truth, turn dyed into the net, wisdom. Jung's psychology points out that human psychology is projected into the external world, in order to develop the ego, the understanding adapts the social environment, but the projection function is the main body mind content, shows to the objective world, is the main body consciousness realization, is not the essence of the thing, the mortal person crawls to know the object, eventually causes the spiritual depressed void, and proposes the individuality, The positive imagination, the dream analytic to explore the heart, opens the mind consciousness, causes the consciousness and the unconscious to achieve the conscious conformity, completes the life the comfortable consummation.
  The phenomenological theory is the Oriental Buddhism psychology, which puts forward the subconscious to transform the practice; Jung Psychology is Western psychotherapy, deep subconscious mind personality growth therapy. The eastern and Western mind seems to have its similarities and differences between Oriental science and Western Jung Psychology. Are there similarities and differences between the wisdom process and Jung's individualized process? This thesis analyzes the core thoughts of the two, and compares them from the connotation of mind, the core truth, the method of practice and the growth course four.
  Through the research, it is found that there are similarities and differences between Alaya and Jung's psychology, that is, the knowledge of knowledge and Jung's collective unconsciousness, the same is the origin meaning of universal law, and the difference is that Alaya know each other differently and the collective unconscious everyone is the same. Only the knowledge of the last and Jung's ego, the similarities are all have the nature of holding, the difference is that the end of the blind to hold, self rational and ideal. The only knowledge of the first six and Jung's consciousness is that the first five knowledge and Jung's consciousness are cognition, and the sixth consciousness and Jung Ego are the dominant. The current and Jung's psychological projection of the only seed is connected with the theory of Jung's mental projection.
  In the core truth: The only knowledge is the truth, Jung is the one. In the practice method: The only knowledge is the Origin achievement, Jung is the internal body certificate. In the course of growth: only through five of spiritual practice, Jung-calendar consciousness five stage of growth. There are complementary places in cognitive science and Jung Psychology, which have their own meanings and values in helping to understand human psychology and enhance spiritual growth, and the comparative study between the cognitive and Jung Psychology can enhance the dialogue space and modern attention of the East an
目次摘要 I
Abstract II
目錄 IV
表目錄 VI
圖目錄 VI

第一章 緒論 1
第一節 研究動機與目的 1
一、研究動機 1
二、研究目的 5
第二節 研究範圍與方法 6
一、研究範圍 6
二、研究方法 6
第三節 當代研究成果回顧 11
一、唯識思想研究 11
二、榮格思想研究 14
三、佛教心識研究及其與西方理學比較 18
第四節 論文架構與章節大意 20

第二章 唯識學轉成智思想 22
第一節 唯識學心內涵 22
一、第八阿賴耶識 24
二、第七末那識 28
三、前六識 31
第二節 心識運作與智慧層次 38
一、識的四分 38
二、識與智 40
三、四智 41
第三節 轉識成智的歷程與意義 44
一、轉識成智歷程 44
二、轉識成智歷程的心靈長意義 47

第三章 榮格個體化思想 59
第一節 榮格心靈地圖 59
一、心靈內涵 60
二、心靈人格整合 74
三、心物合一 77
第二節 心靈投射與意識層級 80
一、心靈投射理論 80
二、意識五階段 82
第三節 個體化的歷程與意義 88
一、個體化的歷程 88
二、個體化歷程的宗教修行意義 90

第四章 轉識成智歷程與個體化過程比較 98
第一節 心識內涵 99
一、唯識第八阿賴耶與榮格集體無意識 99
二、唯識第七末那識與榮格自我 102
三、唯識前六識與榮格意識 104
四、唯識種子現行與榮格心理投射 105
第二節 核心真理 108
一、唯識真如 109
二、榮格本我 110
第三節 修行方法 112
一、唯識緣起成就 112
二、榮格內在體證 114
第四節 成長歷程 116
一、唯識五位 116
二、榮格意識五階段 118

第五章 結論 124

參考書目 127

附表 132
附圖 139

表2-1-1:五位百法表:五位百法表 23
表2-1-2:第八阿賴耶識相表:第八阿賴耶識相表 25
表2-1-3:第七末那識相表:第七末那識相表 29
表2-1-4:前六識相表:前六識相表 34
表2-1-5:前六識與其所依根緣境表:前六識與其所依根緣境表 35
表2-2-1:識的四分表:識的四分表 38
表2-2-2:八識心作用表:八識心作用表 39
表2-2-3:識與智分別表:識與智分別表 40
表2-3-1:轉識成智歷程表:轉識成智歷程表 44
表2-3-2:轉識成智修行表:轉識成智修行表 56
表3-1-1:榮格心靈內涵表:榮格心靈內涵表 74
表4-1-1:唯識學與榮格心理內涵比較表:唯識學與榮格心理內涵比較表 107
表4-4-1:轉識成智歷程與個體化過比較表:轉識成智歷程與個體化過比較表 122

圖3-1-1:榮格心靈地圖:榮格心靈地圖 60
圖3-1-2:榮格與物理學家波里共同繪製圖:榮格與物理學家波里共同繪製圖 79
圖4-4-1:意識層次與心理法療對照表:意識層次與心理法療對照表 120

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