The present article is the annotated translation and study of the vibhūti-pāda of the Yogasūtra-bhāṣya. The content of the vibhūtipāda is dealing with the supernormal knowledge which generated from the deep meditation, such as the supernormal knowledge of past and future, the supernormal knowledge of all languages, the supernormal knowledge of previous lives, the supernormal knowledge of other‟s minds. The ultimate supernormal knowledge is the attainment of liberation through the arising of the vivekaja jñāna. The commentary of Vyāsa on the third chapter is the most extended explanation among the four chapters of the Yogasūtrabhāṣya, since there are some extended delineations in terms of Vyāsa‟s commentary. There are four topics have been discussed here, these are the comparison of supernormal knowledge between the Yoga school and Buddhism, the classification and the function of prāṇa of the Yoga school, the transformation theory (pariṇāma-vāda) of the Yoga school, the comparision of cosmological theory between the Yoga school and Buddhism.