The present paper edits and discusses the only known Sanskrit fragment of Daśabalaśrīmitra’s Saṃskṛtāsaṃskṛtaviniścaya, a voluminous encyclopaedia of Buddhist lore from ca. 1140–1150 CE. I argue that this three-folio fragment, which was found in the Cambridge University Library, is that of an excerpt from the aforementioned work. The text we have comes from the 29th and 30th chapters, dealing with various qualities of a buddha, most notably the so-called major and minor marks of a mahāpuruṣa. Most of the text is an excerpt of Abhayākaragupta’s Munimatālaṃkāra (1108/9 CE). I edit the Sanskrit fragment, its Tibetan translation, as well as the Tibetan translation of Abhaya’s work.