生命哲學之課題範疇與論題舉隅:由形上學、心態哲學、和知識學的取角所形成的課題範疇=Categories of Topics and Examples of Questions concerning Philosophy of Life: From Multiple Perspectives of Metaphysics, Philosophy of Mind, and Epistemology |
作者 |
蔡耀明=Tsai Yao-ming
出處題名 |
正觀雜誌=Satyabhisamaya: A Buddhist Studies Quarterly
卷期 | n.44 |
出版日期 | 2008.03.25 |
頁次 | 206 - 263 |
出版者 | 正觀雜誌社 |
出版者網址 |
出版地 | 南投縣, 臺灣 [Nantou hsien, Taiwan] |
資料類型 | 期刊論文=Journal Article |
使用語言 | 中文=Chinese |
摘要 | 本文的工作要項,在於就生命哲學,按照哲學的形上學、心態 哲學、和知識學這三門學科,規劃成三個探究的範疇,進而就每一 個範疇,設置若干重大的課題類別,並且提出一些論題以為例示, 然後選擇關鍵概念或當中的一些論題,發而為初步的思辨與論理, 使生命哲學在學術的運作,一旦問及可以打開哲學探究的哪些範 疇,有哪些重大的課題,以及可以鑽研哪些論題,便可據以形成稍 微完整的概觀。 在論述的行文,透過如下六節,成為以界說、釐清、課題、論 題、思辨、和論理交織而成的架構。第一節,「緒論」,開門見山, 帶出研究主題,並且逐一交代論文的構想與輪廓。第二節,「營造生 命哲學」,從基礎的工作做起,包括界說生命,界說生命哲學,區分 課題和論題,借用哲學的分支學科設置探究的課題範疇,以及強調 論題的提出在哲學運作的重大功用。第三節,「就生命展開的形上學 提問」,主要的課題,座落在關聯於實相所形成的範疇;至於提出的 論題,至少可分成八類,依序為有關生命實相、生命目的、點狀意 象、歷程意象、歷程環節、生命形態的類別及其本性、生命本身之 品質、以及世界系統的論題。第四節,「就生命展開的心態哲學的提 問」,問及心態和生命的關係與關聯,死亡之於心路歷程,心路歷程之於靈魂或自我,以及心態之實相和生命之實相之間的平等性關 係。第五節,「就生命展開的知識學提問」,整理成四類的論題,分 別為有關認知生命和論斷生命、認知與生命、知識與生命、以及生 命之意義的論題,並且特別就生命之意義展開課題與論題的反思。 第六節,「結論與展望」,總結本文的要點,並且展望後續相關的探 討。 本文至少在如下三件事項,力圖改弦更張,和尋求突破,因此 可視為研究和論述上的微薄貢獻。其一,生命視野的極力拓展。以 生命歷程、生命世界、和生命實相,撐起生命視野的格局;不把眼 光只侷限在人生、生活環境、本土、和所謂的人類特質之類的範圍。 其二,研究方法尤其是研究視角的調整。(a)為了更為適切打通生 命歷程的理路,儘可能調整為歷程式的、動態的視角,而不是緊緊 守住存有概念,或製造出來的實體觀念,終歸淪為被語詞綁死的靜 態想法。(b)為了更為適切開啟生命世界的理路,儘可能調整為多 重向度的視角,而不把日常經驗或物質科學當成唯一且全部的向 度。(c)為了更為適切彰顯生命實相的理路,儘可能調整為空觀、 不二中觀的視角,並且善用否定詞,而不是由於指稱詞的借用,就 自動掉入死板板認定事物的窠臼,也不是由於相對概念在思辨或論 述的運用,就輕易掉入彼此區隔或分立二邊的困局。其三,就一些 課題的構成,尤其是生命之目的、生命之意義,進行哲學的反思, 以幾乎是發前人之所未發的姿態,一方面,避免誤觸許許多多可能 深陷泥淖的機關;另一方面,初步解開可論究這些課題的一些線索。
In order for philosophy of life to be unfolded in academics, this paper endeavours to deal with the subject matter from fields of metaphysics, philosophy of mind, and epistemology. In each field, categories of significant topics are set up, the supporting examples are given, and key concepts or questions among them are picked out, examined, and theorized. As a beginning probe into the subject matter, this paper intends to draw a complete outline of the categories, topics, and questions related to philosophy of life. The structure of this paper is divided into six sections in terms of definition, clarification, questioning, examination, and theorization. The first section, “Introduction,” points out the theme and gives a general outline of the theme. The second section, “Building up Philosophy of Life,” embarks on basic tasks, including defining both life and philosophy of life, distinguishing topics from examples of questions, setting up the categories of topics for further explorations by means of the branches of philosophy, and underlining significant functions of questioning in philosophizing. The third section, “Inquiring into Life in Metaphysical Way,” concerns the related categories formed by reality, and asks eight types of questions, listed in the sequence as follows: the reality of life, purpose in life, having an impression as entities or individualities, having an impression as process, having an impression as steps in the process, types of sentient beings and their natures, the quality of life itself, and the system of lifeworlds. The fourth section, “Inquiring into Life in Terms of Philosophy of Mind,” poses questions about the relations of mental states to life, death to mental process, mental process to soul or self, and then points out the equivalence between the reality of mental states and the reality of life. The fifth section, “Inquiring into Life in Terms of Epistemology,” deals with four types of questions—cognizing and judging life, cognition and life, knowledge and life, and meaning of life—and critically scrutinizes the last in particular. The sixth section, “Conclusions and Prospects,” summarizes the main results that have been obtained and points out some areas that still need further exploration. The contribution of this paper lies, at least, in an attempt to change the direction and make a breakthrough in the following three aspects: the scope of life, the research method, and the topics relevant to life. Regarding the scope of life, it, as this paper shows, is built up by process of life, lifeworlds, and the reality of life. That is to say, |
目次 | 一.緒論 208
二.營造生命哲學:從界說到課題與論題 211 (一)界說生命與界說生命哲學 211 (二)課題與論題 211 (三)以哲學的分支學科設置課題範疇 211 (四)論題之於哲學 211
三.就生命展開的形上學提問 216 (一)有關生命實相的論題 218 (二)有關生命目的的論題 218 (三)有關點狀意象的論題 223 (四)有關歷程意象的論題 227 (五)有關歷程環節的論題 227 (六)有關生命形態的類別及其本性的論題 230 (七)有關生命本身品質的論題 233 (八)有關世界系統的論題 234
四.就生命展開的心態哲學的提問 235 (一)心態哲學的關切與任務概說 236 (二)由心態哲學就生命提出的論題 239
五.就生命展開的知識學提問 241 (一)知識學的關切與任務概說 241 (二)由知識學就生命提出的論題 243 (三)特別就生命之意義展開課題與論題的反思 247
六.結論與展望 258 |
ISSN | 16099575 (P) |
點閱次數 | 591 |
建檔日期 | 2021.12.09 |
更新日期 | 2022.08.11 |

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