
사띠(sati / smṛti : 念) 이해에 대한 비판적 검토=Critical Review on the Existing Understanding of Sati /Smṛti
作者 趙晙鎬 (著)=Cho, Joon-ho (au.)
出處題名 한국불교학=韓國佛教學
卷期v.36 n.0
頁次143 - 175
出版者網址 http://ikabs.org/
出版地Korea [韓國]
資料類型期刊論文=Journal Article
附註項저자정보: 조선대 강사
關鍵詞염=念=sati; 수동적 주의집중=受動的 主意集中; 여실지견=如實知見; 행=行; 무심무사=無尋無伺; passive attention; vipassanā; saṅkhāra; vitakka
摘要As we known, sati is one of the five spiritual faculties and powers(bala), one of the seven factors of enlightenment (bojjhaṅga) are the seventh link of the eight-fold path(magga). The word is associated, at least, with all kinds of Buddhist Practice. Therefore, the foundation of Sati(Satipaṭṭhāna) hold a high position in the practice of Buddhist mental culture. Especially, the practice of sati is given in the Satipaṭṭāna or Mahasatipaṭṭāna Sutta, which at the start as well as the conclusion, proclaim the weighty words : "The only way that leads to the attainment of purity, to the overcoming of suffering, to the entering of the right path, and to the realization of Nibbāna if the four foundations of sati."
It is the term sati stands really crucial role since the appearance of Buddhism. However, the full meaning of sati is still controversial. That's why it is enough to say the accurate understanding of sati is the accurate understanding for the main system of all Buddhist practice.
Then what exactly is sati? There are various meanings are given by the Western translaters. For example, recognition, consciousness, intentness of mind, recollecting, remembering, heedfulness and mindfulness, memory in English. Among them the term 'mindfulness' is almost settled and influential even to us.
In the past Buddhism took place in China, an equivalent of sati was selected as 'guarding one's mind(守意)' in earlier translater. After that 'ceasing one's mind(意止)', 'recollecting one's memory(憶念)' are also attempted and "thought' or 'memory(念)'is lastly settled.
Therefore, the last "thought' or 'memory(念)' for the term 'sati' transmitted in our contemporary in Korean Buddhist scholarship. Meanwhile, some are attempted to render this word in other meaning. Among them I render the word 'sati' as 'passive attention'(in bare state of mind' and others are 'gettering up one's mind(maumchangim)', 'guarding one's mind(maumcjikim), awareness/ sensibleness(alacharim), 'passive attention'(in bare state of mind) (sudongjucjuijibjung). However, those terms used translation are want of the definitive meaning.
The aim of the present work is critical review on the existing translation and understand of the meaning 'sati' concerning doctrinal points. And conclusion of the examination, those are not enough to expose as the full meaning of sati. Mostly those attempts are not free from the concept of artificial or exertions or volitional activities (saṅkhāra) and purposeful thinking(vitakka) or perceptible noting (saññā) in the meaning of sati. Because the main system of all Buddhist practice placed the course towards the extinction of such mind factors and those renderings are in a contrary direction. As I have mentioned above, the term sati is included in almost all system of Buddhist practice.
目次I. 들어가는 말 2
II. 한역 경전의 사띠 번역과 이에 대한 비판적 고찰 2
III. 현대 한글 역과 이에 대한 비판적 고찰 4
1. 마음챙김 5
2. 마음지킴 6
3. 알아차림 11
IV. 최근 우리말 사띠 역에 대한 비판적 검토 12
V. 결론 17
ISSN12250945 (P)

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