
高麗寺院形止案의 復元과禪宗寺院의 공간 구성 검토=A Study on the Temple Census Registers and the Space Arrangement of Seon[Chan] Temples in Goryeo Dynasty
作者 최연식 (著)=Choe, Yeon-shik (au.)
出處題名 불교연구=佛教研究=Bulgyo-Yongu
卷期v.38 n.0
頁次155 - 191
出版者網址 http://kibs.or.kr/xe/
出版地Korea [韓國]
資料類型期刊論文=Journal Article
附註項저자정보: 목포대학교 사학과 교수
關鍵詞寺院形止案=the Temple Census Register; 修禪社=Suseon-sa; 大安寺=Dae'an-sa; 禪宗寺院=the Space Arrangement of Temple; 사원의 공간구성; 高麗時代 불교=Buddhism in Goryeo Dynasty; Seon[Chan] Temple
摘要현재 전해지고 있는 寺院形止案은 고려시대 사원의 건물과 토지, 그리고 사원의 중요한 금석문의 내용을 정리한 것으로서, 고려시대 사원의 현황을 보여주는 중요한 자료이다. 원래 문서의 형태로 전하는 것은 <修禪社形止案>이 유일하지만 『桐裡山泰安寺事蹟』에 수록된 내용들을 토대로 <대안사형지안>도 복원 가능하다. 복원된 <대안사형지안>은 항목별 기재 순서 및 기재 방식 등에서 <수선사형지안>과 같은 모습을 보여주고 있는데, 이는 이들 문서가 같은 시기에 같은 동일한 목적으로 작성되었음을 보여주는 것이다.
<수선사형지안> 중 앞부분 일부가 결락되어 있지만, 복원된 <대안사형지안> 및 다른 자료들과의 비교를 통하여 결락된 건물들의 상당수를 확인할 수 있다. 현재 기록되어 있는 건물들 이외에 佛殿과 僧堂을 비롯하여 善法堂, 祖師堂, 內樓門, 食堂, 淨廚 등이 확인된다. 이렇게 확인된 수선사의 건물들 중 상당수는 <대안사형지안>의 건물들과 공통되고 있는데, 이들은 고려시대 선종 사원의 일반적 모습을 보여주는 것으로 생각된다. 한편 두 사찰 중 한쪽에만 보이는 건물들도 있는데, 이들은 해당 사찰의 지리적 특성 및 역사를 반영하는 것으로 생각된다.

The temple census registers in Goryeo Dynasty which contain the duplicates of epitaphs as well as the inventories of the buildings, monks, mass, real estate and movable property are very important material in understanding the state of the temple in the period. The Suseon-sa census register is the only one which remains in original form, but we can also reconstruct the census register of Dae'an-sa by reuniting the remained materials. Comparison with the Suseon-sa census register show that the items such as ‘the Inventory of Statues and Buildings at the time,’ ‘the Inventory of monks and mass,’ ‘the copy of Great Master Gwangja's epitaph’ and ‘the copy of Seon[Zen] Master Jeogin's epitaph’ in the Tae'ansa ji are the separated segments of the Dae'an-sa census register.
The two temple census registers are in common in their entries and the recording style. It shows that they are made in the same time with the same purpose. They might have made in 1230 when the government made the census on the temples in the country except the northern frontiers.
The fact that the persons in the register of Suseonsa had their careers in the early 1230s supports this inference.
Through the comparison with that of Dae'an-sa we can restore some losses in the Suseon-sa census register. Some unknown buildings can be confirmed as inner storied building gate, restaurant and kitchen. And there must be the Buddhist sanctums and nunneries. Also in the other materials appear the buildings such as the Seonbeopdang [Good Dharma Hall] and the Josadang[Building dedicated to Founding Patriarch] in the temple. Most of the buildings in the Suseon-sa are also seen in the Dae'an-sa census register. The buildings of the two temples are very common. Among them the Seonbeopdang and Josadang are thought to reflect the special character of Seon[Chan] temple. Both temples had big scale restaurant, kitchen, water-house, storehouses, mill-house, stables, bathroom and toilet. They had also the temple gate[samun], as the formal border, and the storied building bridge, as the real border to outer world. While there are some buildings found only in one temple. They are thought to reflect the history and the topographical traits of each temple.
As the recording order of the buildings in the temple census registers is thought to reflect the real arrangement we can infer the formation of the temples. In the Suseon-sa the three gates - inner storied building gate, temple gate and outer storied building gate - divided the temple to three spaces; the space for worship and practice, that of administration and that of daily living. While in the Dae'an-sa, different from the Suseon-sa, there is no spacial division inside the temple gate; all the building for worship, practice and administration existed inside the gate. But the some buildings where high rank monks resided existed in special space called upper part outside the temple gate. The bathroom and toilet were outside the temple gate as well as upper part.
The temple census registers are, though there remain only two, the valuable material which show the concrete shape of Goryeo temples. We hope more developed studies will be done on the Goryeo temple using these material.
目次Ⅰ. 머리말 157
Ⅱ. <泰安寺形止案>의 復元과 寺院形止案의 작성 시기 158
1. <泰安寺形止案>의 復元 159
2. ‘寺院形止案’의 성격과 작성 시기 169
Ⅲ. <修禪寺形止案>의 보완과 高麗시대 禪宗寺院의 공간 구성 172
1. <大安寺形止案>과의 비교를 통한 <修禪社形止案> 佛像間閣 부분의 보완 172
2. 寺院形止案에 나타난 修禪社와 大安寺의 건물 및 공간 구성 176
Ⅳ. 맺음말 185
ISSN12253154 (P)

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