
6·7세기 중국불교의 흐름=The Current of the 6th and 7th Centuries' Buddhism
作者 권기종 =Kwon, Kee-jong
出處題名 불교연구=佛教研究=Bulgyo-Yongu
卷期v.23 n.0
頁次281 - 306
出版者網址 http://kibs.or.kr/xe/
出版地Korea [韓國]
資料類型期刊論文=Journal Article
附註項저자정보: 동국대 교수
關鍵詞수당불교=隋唐佛教=Buddhism of Su and Dang Dynasties; 역경=譯經=A translation of the Sutras; 국가권력=government power; 삼계교=三階教=The Doctrine of Sanjie; 중국불교의 대중화=popularization of Chinese Buddhism
摘要The 6th and 7th centuries are considered as a settlement period for Chinese Buddhism. At this time, Chinese Buddhism was born and its unique doctrines had been developed. It is not much to say that this is the most decisive era for Chinese Buddhism due to the important events and changes occured at that time.
However, this study mostly has a look on the denominations in the period of North and South Dynasties and Su(隨) and Dang(唐) Dynasties. Hence it's inevitable not studying many denominations such as Satyasiddhi school, Sanlun School, Tientai school, and Seon school. Especially in the case of Sön school, it is difficult to be studied seperately because much more developments and changes happened afterward.
As the Buddhism, which was originally born in India, settled in China, both Indian culture and Chinese culture had merged together. During this merger there were a lot of at tempts and risks, so it is not right judging only by its result. Those attempts and risks themselves are developments and outcomes.
Different from India, Buddhism needed different relationship with the government power in the strongly centralized and authoritarian ancient Chinese Dynasties.
Chinese governments sometimes fully supported and sometimes forcefully suppressed this highly developed religion of Buddhism. Through these repetitions the religion had stabilized and expanded.
The reason why the Chinese Buddhism could continuously change its colors must have been the efforts of the sutr
a translating monks, and the enlightment searching monks.
They kept supplying and experimenting on new marasikara through collecting and translating Dharma-Shāstra.
This brought not only theoritical development of Buddhism but also new form of the religion and its discipline. The new translated Dharma-Shāstra and the experiments of manasikara bore unique understand on Buddhism, moreover it became sects of Buddhism.
The various characteristics of Buddhism of Su and Dang Dynasties can be explaned in this way. Buddhism does not
contain only doctrines and ascetic practices. Its the most important appointed task is liberating sentient beings. The popularizing movement of Buddhism was based on this concept. The apperance of Triloka can be a good example.
The Chinese Buddhism on the 6th and 7th centuries shows several possibilities of Buddhism at once.
目次I. 서론 2
II. 국가권력과 불교 교단의 성쇠 3
III. 경론의 번역과 역경승 9
IV. 종파성립과 교학발전 13
V. 삼계교 운동과 불교의 민중화 19
VI. 결론 23
ISSN12253154 (P)

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