「一帶一路」視域下的「南傳佛教」:雲南與南亞、東南亞聯繫的重要紐帶=Theravada Buddhism in the Context of "One Belt One Road": An Important Bridge Between Yunnan and South and Southeast Asia
The Dai areas of Yunnan in China, such as Dehong and Xishuangbanna, are located on the southwestern border of China and are mainly inland without harbours, so they are basically isolated. The introduction of Theravada Buddhism created a bridge from India to the Dai region of China via Sri Lanka and the Central and South China peninsula, and the civilization of India and other places thus intervened and was influenced by the politics, economy and culture of these regions. It is noteworthy that the introduction of Theravada Buddhism rapidly raised the level of cultural integration and exchange between the Dai region and the Southeast Asian countries from the original small-scale economic exchanges to the overall progress of the Dai society. Therefore, Buddhism has linked the Dai region in Yunnan with India and Southeast Asia, which has a special cultural significance for the Dai people who are economically backward and have little communication with the outside world, and has a special social value in today's Belt and Road Initiative.