
남종선사상의 경전적 근거와 그 이념 대한 고찰=A study on the thoughts and texts of Southern-seon
作者 김재성 (著)=Kim, Jae-sung (au.)
出處題名 선학=禪學=Journal of Seon Studies
卷期v.30 n.0
頁次167 - 191
出版者網址 http://www.seonstudy.org/seon/
出版地Korea [韓國]
資料類型期刊論文=Journal Article
附註項저자정보: 조계종 교수아사리
關鍵詞돈오; 무념; 조사선; 불성사상; 반야사상; 반야경; 유마경; 열반경; 혜능; 신회; Southern school; Bodhidharma; Dongsan-bupmoon; views attainment of sudden enlightenment of the nature of Buddha of self nature; two types of realization namely scholastic and practical; Dahn-gyeongput
摘要중국선은 보리달마로부터 시작된 조사선의 전개였다. 조사선에서는 본래성불의 사상을 바탕으로 하여 자신이 그것을 깨쳐 일상의 삶에서 실천하는 것은 기체로 내세운다. 이와 같은 사상의 형성은 많은 선경에 근거하였다. 특히 초기선종의 선자들은 선경을 통하여 조사선적으로 새롭게 사상을 해석하였다. 특히 불성사상과 반야사상에 대한 조사선적인 해석으로 승화되었다. 돈오견성법에 대한 헤능의 해석과 무념에 대한 신회의 해석은 그 좋은 일례이다. 이로써 중국선의 조사선 사상은 이후로 오늘에 이르기까지 돈오 및 무념법에 근거한 사상으로 크게 전승해왔다. 여기에는 반야사상과 열반사상이 중시되었는데, 그 가운데는 유마경의 사상이 특히 널리 응용되었다.

Even though the advent of Southern school of the Seon Buddhism of China was influenced by original Seon lineage, it has been developed quite unlike in disposition. The purpose of this dissertation is to examine the intrinsic attributes and historical traces of Southern school of Seon lineage in order to examine where the southern school of Seon stands in the Seon Buddhism of China.
The origin of Southern Seon is Seon lineage of Bodhidharma. The true identity of two types of realization, scholastic and practical by Bodhidharma has a thread of connections between the point that Dahn-gyeong is not in distinction between living beings and Buddha in intrinsic nature and the point that original nature of true suchness of self-mind is based on Sudden enlightenment.
The similarity and the difference between southern school of Seon and original Seon lineage show similar phases also in Dongsan-bupmoon. In other words, Dongsan-bupmoon’s two typical Seon Buddhism, one behavior concentration and Imwoon, are succeeding to the Seon lineage of Jeuksi-jeukbup of Bodhidharma while influencing Daekyunghaeyongsasang by being linked up with the straightforward mind of southern school of Seon.
The nature of Buddha and Prajna are the key factors as well as notional foundation for southern school of Seon. This nature of Buddha and the wisdom underlie the southern school of Seon. The concept of the southern school of Seon can be remarked by Prajna which the living beings have by nature and to become enlightenment immediately beyond the gradual stages of practice which views attainment of sudden enlightenment of the nature of Buddha of self nature. Also, this concept can also be said as perfection of wisdom.
Moreover, Prajna of southern Seon Buddhism appears as the summit in non-form and non-abiding of Seon Buddhism. This can be observed in the declare of Shinhoi in which southern Seon Buddhism desires no thought as the main thesis in southern Seon Buddhism, non-form as true nature and non-abiding as the source. The no thought of Yook-jo-dahn-gyeong proposes subjective action while negotiations are in progress with all the conditions of being. Though one sees everything and is at everywhere, it does not cling to those by purifying self nature.
Also, Dahn-gyeong asserted repentance of self nature which directs to volitional actions of self-mind of original vow. On the other hand, Shinhoi placed stress on the repentance based on no thought is the true repentance while Dahn-gyeongput emphasis on taking refuge at the Three Bodies of Buddha of self nature. This fundamentally differs from devoting oneself to external Buddha, Dharma and Sangha, namely, the three jewels. In other words, it means realizing the holiness and pure mind contained in self nature.
目次1. 서언 169
2. 불성사상과 남종선의 선사상 169
3. 반야사상과 남종선의 선사상 174
4. 無念의 종지 178
5. 頓悟의 종지 183
6. 결어 187
ISSN15980588 (P)

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