Further thoughts on the 'two path thesis' |
作者 |
Wynne, Alexander (著)
出處題名 |
Journal of the Oxford Centre for Buddhist Studies
卷期 | v.16 |
出版日期 | 2019.05 |
頁次 | 149 - 162 |
出版者 | Oxford Centre for Buddhist Studies |
出版者網址 |
出版地 | Oxford, UK [牛津, 英國] |
資料類型 | 期刊論文=Journal Article |
使用語言 | 英文=English |
摘要 | Early Buddhist texts are heterogeneous; some admit to doctrinal disagreement, others post-date the Buddha. In a corpus recording developments beyond the Buddha’s life, and which is open about its internal disagreement, it is more than likely that there was a debate between the adherents of calm and insight meditation. |
目次 | 1. 'released on both sides' 150 2. dating the calm-insight debate 152 3. SN 12.68 153 4. SN 12.70 156 5. AN 6.46 157 6. concluding remarks 160 |
ISSN | 20471076 (P) |
點閱次數 | 100 |
建檔日期 | 2022.04.13 |
更新日期 | 2022.04.14 |
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