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初期漢譯佛典疑難詞釋義(2)=Some Notes Regarding the So-called ‘Difficult Phrases’ in Those Earlier Sūtras Translated During Han and Jin Dynasties (2) |
作者 |
蘇錦坤 (著)=Su, Ken (au.)
出處題名 |
福嚴佛學研究=Fuyan Buddhist Studies
卷期 | n.15 |
出版日期 | 2020.09 |
頁次 | 121 - 145 |
出版者 | 福嚴佛學院 |
出版者網址 |
出版地 | 新竹市, 臺灣 [Hsinchu shih, Taiwan] |
資料類型 | 期刊論文=Journal Article |
使用語言 | 中文=Chinese |
附註項 | 作者單位: 獨立佛學研究者 |
關鍵詞 | 阿含=Āgama; 漢巴對應經典=Parallels of Chinese and Pāli texts; 佛典字詞釋義=Exegesis of Chinese Buddhist phrases |
摘要 | 詮釋「疑難詞」可以將其分為兩類詞彙:第一類是詞意晦澀,無法從漢語典籍得到合理的詮釋,只能藉助跨語言文本的對勘,在其他語言文本上定位此一譯詞的可能用字,進而推敲其對應意涵與翻譯用語。第二類則是可以藉由近代學者對漢文典籍的訓詁研究,來追溯漢魏兩晉譯經的古義,也就是說,必須在漢語典籍中得到「確詁」,較難從梵語或巴利佛教文獻得到助益。本文接續上一篇〈初期漢譯佛典疑難詞釋義〉,再列舉七個經例來闡述這些特殊詞彙的詮釋。
There are two approaches to expounding “difficult phrases” found in Chinese Buddhist literature. One situation is when the phrase is abstruse and/or impossible to discern even with the help of extant ancient Chinese records and references. In such a case, comparative studies among extant renditions of the text in other languages may assist in the understanding of the difficult Chinese phrase. The original meaning may be discerned with reference to the counter Indic term(s). The other situation is when the difficult phrase is a result of the native Chinese language. In this case there are ways to render the difficult terms using the tools and methods offered by the “Chinese Classical Exegesis” (訓詁學 xungu xue). This paper continues on from my previous paper, “Some Notes Regarding the So-called ‘Difficult Phrases’ in Those Earlier Sūtras Translated During the Han and Jin Dynasties” (2013). In this paper I will provide seven more examples to demonstrate the process and methods to tackle issues of rendering difficult Chinese phrases. |
目次 | 一、前言 123 二、詞彙釋義舉例 123 (一)《出曜經》:念待、念持 124 (二)《出曜經》:叢林刺 126 (三)《雜阿含.264 經》:迦陵伽臥具 128 (四)《雜阿含.275 經》:無聞獨住 131 (五)《雜阿含.551 經》:流、淵 133 (六)《長阿含.30 經》與《增一阿含.17.1 經》:交露 136 (七)《中阿含.2 經》:晝度樹 139 三、結語 141 |
ISSN | 20700512 (P) |
點閱次數 | 231 |
建檔日期 | 2022.04.14 |
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