
藏傳佛教般若中觀中國化的詮釋學解讀=Hermeneutic Interpretation of Sinicization of Tibetan Buddhism Prajna Madhyamaka
作者 班班多杰 (著)=Banbur Dorje (au.)
出處題名 中央民族大學學報(哲學社會科學版)=Journal of the Central University for Nationalities(Philosophy and Social Sciences Edition)
卷期v.48 n.4 (總號=n.257)
頁次141 - 149
出版地北京, 中國 [Beijing, China]
資料類型期刊論文=Journal Article
關鍵詞藏傳佛教=Tibetan Buddhism; 般若中觀=Prajna Madhyamaka; 漢地佛教=ethnic Han Buddhism; 六家七宗=six families and seven sects; 詮釋學=hermeneutics

The Sinicization of Buddhism has been proposed and discussed for a long time, and the discussion of which continues today, but due to the lack of its equitable academic principles, there are still many questions to be clarified.If the exploration is continued according to the old semantics and approaches, although there are many new historical materials that can be disclosed, it is difficult to make new breakthroughs in the concept due to the methodological bottleneck.This indicates that the localization of Buddhism in China faces the challenge of learning theorem and paradigm transformation.Based on a large number of Tibetan historical material on Tibetan Buddhism Prajna Madhyamaka which have not yet translated into Chinese, and following the historical context development of Tibetan Buddhism Prajna Madhyamaka accompanied by the space-time distancing of localized Buddhism in Han China as a reference, the article proposes for the first time in the academic history, a perspective driven by both western hermeneutics and Chinese traditional interpreted discourses as the two two engines towards the ontological facts of self-interpretation and significance enhancement of Buddhism in ethnic Tibet and ethnic Han China.It propose that the localization of Buddhism in China experiences the methodological interpretation of original text meaning and original writer’s meaning of Indian Buddhism; ontological interpretation of ethnic Han readers and ethnic Tibetan readers as well as texts-oriented interpretations. Thus, the dual ontological structure system between Indian Buddhism and Chinese Buddhism is formed up. The two are both the same one but generally different, thus completing the localization process of Chinese Buddhism in three families of languages. The coming-out of the six characteristic propositions and the interpretation of the various sects on Tibetan Buddhism Prajna Madhyamaka is one of the typical examples. The conclusion of this paper is that we should not only affirm and pay attention to the common hermeneutic interpretation of Indian Buddhist texts themselves, but also affirm and strengthen the recognition of Chinese Buddhist interpreters in the creative construction of Indian Buddhist texts based on their own living world.On the basis of this dual interpretations, this paper proposes the concept of “co-specific ontology hermeneutics”, In Chinese people’s interpreted words, we have fulfilled the historical process of introducing, continuing and promoting Buddhism into the three families of languages in China, and are yet to realize the goal of interpreting Buddhism through “our own view”. This is what we try to attain as our academic goal.
目次一、 藏傳佛教前弘期的般若中觀論議 43
(一) 智軍在 《見地之差別論》中對般若中觀的論議 43
(二) 法成在 《大乘稻稈經隨聽疏》 中對般若中觀的論議 45
(三) 《大乘中觀義論》 中的般若中觀論議 46
二、 經部中觀與瑜伽行中觀的源流考釋 47
(一) 經部中觀探源 47
(二) 瑜伽行中觀溯源 50
三、 藏傳佛教後弘期般若中觀的演變與衍化 51
(一) 藏傳佛教分治初期的般若中觀論議 51
(二) 寧瑪派與般若中觀義 52
(三) 噶當派與般若中觀義 55
(四) 薩迦派與般若中觀義 56
(五) 噶舉派、 覺囊派與般若中觀義 61
(六) 格魯派與般若中觀義 61
(七) 藏傳佛教後弘期般若中觀之義理探討 64
四、 詮釋學與佛教中國化的討論 65
(一) 經典文本與詮釋文本之互動及雙本體論結構 66
(二) 格義———漢藏佛教的中國化先導 68
(三) 佛教經論的翻譯與佛教的中國化 70
ISSN10058575 (P)

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