Ochiai Toshinori 落合俊典 is a professor at (and a former president of) the International College for Postgraduate Buddhist Studies in Tokyo, Japan.
Kongōji=金剛寺; Amanosan=天野山; Tendai; Shingon; manuscripts; Buddhist canons=Issaikyō=一切経
Mount Amano’s 天野山 Kongō Temple 金剛寺 has a large collection of commentaries, among which the Shōkyō collection 聖教 remains largely uncategorized and unexplored, especially in regard to its doctrinal position. This article argues that these commentaries, related to the Fahua jing lun 法華経論, come from a Tendai standpoint, based on analysis that proves the Kongō Temple’s association with the Jimon-ha 寺門派 tradition, including its founder Akan’s 阿観 (1136–1207) training and lineage, and association with other Tendai-manuscript producing temples. This collection of manuscripts offers new pathways in medieval Tendai Buddhist research.
Introduction 288 1. The Eighth Year of the Enhō 延宝 era (1680): The Kashū Amanosan Kokin Zakki 河州天野山古今雑記 [Miscellaneous Record of Events from the past to the Present at Mount Amano in Kashū Prefecture] 291 2. The Tendai Sandaibu 天台三大部 in the Insei 院政 Period 294 4. 300 3. The Tendai Doctrinal Texts Composed between the Insei Period and the Early Kamakura Period 298 5. The Lineage of the images of ‘Sonshō Mandala’ 尊勝曼荼羅 304 Appendix 306 Bibliography 313