
世無俠士空呈劍:季總禪師以南嶽山居去來為主軸的女禪詩路=Presenting Sword Vainly in a World without Chivalrous Persons: Nanyue Mountain Living and Leaving Poetry of Ji Zong as a Female Zen Master
作者 蘇美文 =Su, Mei-wen
出處題名 中華科技大學學報
頁次51 - 70
出版地臺北市, 臺灣 [Taipei shih, Taiwan]
資料類型期刊論文=Journal Article
關鍵詞季總=Ji Zong; 山居詩=Mountain Living Poetry; 南嶽; 女性禪師=female Zen master; 女性文學; 明末清初=the late Ming and early Qing dynasty
摘要明末清初女性禪師:季總行徹(1606-1658 仍在),於湖南南嶽衡山修行悟道,後下南嶽,前往江南弘法,終回歸南嶽。這段過程,就女性空間而言,她能千山萬水,為弘法志業而行,實屬難得。而就季總個人而言,是一位女修行者,在二地之間,悟道、遊方與弘法的心路歷程;就大時代而言,可以側證管窺當時以江南為中心的禪門環境;甚至就女詩人而言,亦可在常見的閨閣詩之外,增添一類女性山居、遊方、弘法的面向,很有其意義在。因此將以《季總禪師語錄》的南嶽山居詩(〈南嶽山居雜詠〉二十五首、〈山居〉八首、南嶽景點詩偈十首)、離南嶽往江南遊方弘法的詩偈、擬歸南嶽詩十首等三個範圍的詩作,以為探索範圍,深掘季總禪師的女禪詩路。觀季總這三類詩偈的內容與意象,南嶽山居詩之「秋光好」意象,鮮明清幽,不是王端淑、朱彝尊所說的郊島苦吟清瘦之風格可比擬的。而離山居往江南之「卓鍚千山夢」,雖然獨往自在,但大展氣魄,大開大合,志欲千山萬水,弘法利生。而擬歸南嶽詩,卻又充滿「人皆醉」、「空呈劍」、「斷腸秋」之悲憤與心傷。總體而言,季總喜用秋景,通貫於這三個時期的詩境詩心中,將秋之或鮮明、靈動,或清幽、閒靜,或殘落、腸斷,表達得淋離盡致。而禪心呢?山居時的閒幽,遊方弘法時的氣魄萬千,大開大合,擬歸南嶽時則悲憤心痛,同時彰顯一位禪悟者的寂靜閒明、廣大心志與血肉情感。

Ji Zong Xing Che (1606-1658?), the female Zen Master of the late Ming and early Qing dynasty, left Nanyue for the south of Yangtze River for preaching and eventually returned to Nanyue after cultivating herself and enlightening at the Nanyue mountain of Hunan. Regarding female space, the rare life course of Ji Zong demonstrated her determination on preaching for which she walked through rivers and mountains. For Ji Zong herself, the course symbolized the life experience of a female practitioner who was enlightened, traveled and preached between two places. Historically speaking, it also provided an indirect description of the environment of Zen which centered on Yangtze River. Even in the aspect of poetry, Ji Zong as a female poet significantly added the flavors of mountain living, traveling, and preaching to women's poems which were commonly seen. In this regard, by focusing on three types of poems, including Nanyue Mountain Living Poetry (25 pieces of "Random Poems of Nanyue Mountain Living," 8 pieces of "Mountain Living," and 10 epigrams of Nanyue attractions) collected in Recorded Sayings of Ji Zong Zen Master, the epigrams about leaving Nanyue for the south of Yangtze River for preaching, and 10 pieces of planning on returning to Nanyue, the study explores the poetry of the female Zen master. Compared with the styles of Duan-shu Wang and Yi-zun Zhu, which emphasize on the bitterness and leanness within the Mountain Living Poetry, the tree types of Ji Zong's poetry contain many vivid and quite images such as "bright autumn" described in Nanyue Mountain Living Poetry. In addition, the poem "A Staying Practitioner's Dream on Mountains" written during the period of leaving mountain for the south of Yangtze River, despite the expression of solitude and easiness, shows a broad-minded view aiming at traveling mountains to preach and benefit the world. As to the poems of planning on returning to Nanyue, they teem with indignation and grief which are expressed with words like "all people are drunk," "presenting the sword vainly," and "broken heart in the autumn." In sum, Ji Zong prefers the scenery of autumn, with which she strings the three phases of her life course together, and expresses thoroughly the autumn's brightness, aliveness, quietness, easiness, decay and brokenness. As to the heart of Zen, the easiness of mountain living, and spirit of traveling and preaching, and the grief of returning Nanyue all shows the awakened one's quietness, generous heart, and emotions as a mortal.
目次一、前言 1
二、季總生平 1
三、季總詩偈之收錄與評價 6
四、南嶽山居詩之「秋光好」意象 8
五、南嶽到江南的「卓鍚千山夢」 12
六、擬歸南嶽詩之「人皆醉」、「空呈劍」、「秋斷腸」意象 15
七、結論 19

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