明曠刪補『天台菩薩戒疏』における律儀戒:『大智度論』の十種戒を中心に=The Disciplinary Precepts in the Tiantai pusajie shu 天台菩薩戒疏 by Mingkuang 明曠: Beginning from the Discussion on the Recognition of the Ten Types of Precepts from the Da zhidu lun 大智度論
Mingkuang 明曠 states that his Tiantai pusajie shu 天台菩薩戒疏 is based on Zhiyi’s 智顗 works. Most scholars of Mingkuang have pointed out that Mingkuang’s perspective on the precepts affects Saicho’s 最澄 concept that “Hīnayāna” precepts should be abandoned. Both Zhiyi and Mingkuang refer to the ten types of precepts 十種戒 from the Da zhidu lun 大智度論. Zhiyi categorized the first three precepts of the ten types as the disciplinary precepts 律儀戒, considering them as “Hīnayāna” precepts. On the other hand, Mingkuang defines the disciplinary precepts as those of the Mahāyāna Fanwang jing 梵網経. This difference in their understandings of the disciplinary precepts could lead to the idea that Mingkuang abandoned the “Hīnayāna” disciplinary precepts. However, the difference actually arises due to their unique approaches to the ten types of the precepts. Throughout the Tiantai pusajie shu, Mingkuang recognizes that “Hīnayāna” precepts are also Mahāyāna Bodhisattva precepts, stating that practitioners should uphold both precepts of “Hīnayāna” and Mahāyāna equally. His thinking is close to that of his mentor, Zhanran 湛然.